Chapter Three - Attacked

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Blaze's POV

"Mrs Smith is going to be so mad at you!" Avira laughed, his health back to normal thanks to our school's potion brewery.

"Oh well, I'll just tell her I'm sick or something. They can't keep me locked up in a classroom all day." I said, shrugging my shoulders. I was with a group of my friends in the woods skipping class and lighting trees on fire, since that was my thing.

"You know, not everything is flammable. They could lock you up in a metal classroom. It's unfortunate you don't have my abilities." My friend, Valeria said as she smashed her fist though a tree, snapping it in half. My other friend, Zeak, appeared in front of her out of nowhere.

"Mine are better." He smirked, then teleported next to me.

"Pfft, whatever. It's against the law to lock someone up anyway." I said, flicking my hair out of my face only for it to fall back over my left eye.

"Unless you're a demon..." Avira muttered. It's true, demons seemed to be above the law. It's probably because of how powerful they are.

"Pfft, they can't get us here." Valeria laughed.

Out of nowhere, an arrow flew at my face, missing me by only a few centimeters. I jumped out of the way, and looked over to where the arrow had impaled itself into. To my shock, it had pierced though Avira's right shoulder, pinning him up against a tree. He looked down at the arrow and screamed, shock and fear covering his face.

I looked to see where the arrow had come from, and saw the person in the cloak. The person turned around to run off, disappearing into the woods. I look back over at Avira, our friends rushing to his aid. I turned back, and ran off after the person.

"Blaze, wait!" Valeria shouted out, but I ignored her. There is no way I am letting this guy get away with trying to kill me.

I ran as fast as I could, stumbling over branches and rocks, dodging trees and bushes. It felt like I was running for a good 20 minutes before he finally lost me. I look around, surrounded by tall forest trees. I decided to keep running forward, the same direction he or she was running before disappearing.

There was a sudden clearing before a giant cliff. As I approached the clearance I noticed an engraving in the stone at the bottom of the cliff. The shape was an upside-down star with a circle around it. At the ends of each point on the star, there were symbols, but I couldn't make out what they were.

I went to go take a closer look, but the moment I stepped further into the clearance I was shot at, another arrow only just missing my face. I looked around to see where I was getting shot at from, but more arrows flew in opposite directions.

I turned around to run away, allowing my abilities to encase my body in flame. Luckily my clothes had a special spell on them to make them not flammable, or they would have burnt right off my body.

As I was running back through the forest, I spotted a girl sitting up in a tree. I met her eyes, and for a moment everything felt as if it was in slow motion. I stared into her deep black eyes and she stared back. Her long black hair swayed in the wind, her black lips pressed together in an almost frown. She had pale skin, making her dark hair and make up stand out a lot. I also noticed that she had what looked to be black wings. She was beautiful...

Everything started to speed up again. I was running for my life, but I couldn't get that girls face out of my head. 

I shook the thought out of my head and kept running. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in the back of my ankle. I lost my footing and fell over, hitting my head on a rock. I looked up at the sky, feeling dizzy and unable to move.

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