Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 Puffs Puffs

    Zhu Luofu also found a really safe and non-toxic egg recently, but this egg is a bit small, only a little bigger than a quail egg, and it is a kind of egg called a bellbird. It took Zhu Luofu two days to collect it More than thirty.

    Based on the experience of making cakes last time, Zhu Luofu optimized the method of making cream. The taste of cream is more fragrant, and on the basis of cream, butter is made, which is a must for dessert.

    Due to limited materials, Zhu Luofu could only make some simple snacks. She chose puffs and cookies without much consideration.

    Zhu Luofu doesn't have enough time and opportunities to experiment with ingredients, and this is something for children, so she still chooses the safest original flavor.

    In order to ensure the taste of the dessert, Zhu Luofu got up earlier than usual this day.

    Although elementary school starts at 8 o'clock in the morning, Zhu Luofu cannot follow the routine of elementary school students, and still has to get up early for training.

    At seven o'clock in the morning, housekeeper Luther came to pick up Zhu Luofu to school.

    Zhu Luo Fu tidied herself up, took a small package from the packaged puffs and cookies box, and gave it to Butler Luther: "This is a dessert I just made, you can try it when you have time."

    Butler Luther said Those who had tasted the cake made by Zhu Luofu knew her level, so they accepted it happily, and asked: "Have you kept it for Your Highness?"

    "Your Highness has returned home?" Zhu Luofu asked. This His Highness is really a dragon, and Zhu Luo Fu has not seen him in the past few days.

    The housekeeper Luther only said: "Your Highness is still busy."

    This time, Zhu Luofu really forgot to leave a copy for Alan. Hearing this, he breathed a sigh of relief and said: "These foods have to be made fresh. It's delicious, and when His Highness comes back, I'll make a special one for him."

    Butler Luther nodded with a smile, said nothing, and boarded the aircraft with Zhu Luofu.

    This is Zhu Luofu's first official contact with the society of the interstellar age. It is impossible to say that she is not nervous. I hope she will not appear too ignorant. Traveling to the interstellar era to the present, it took only half a month to fully count.

    The flight time of the aircraft was 20 minutes and it arrived at the No. 1 Primary School of the Empire.

    This elementary school is one of the schools with the best teaching quality in Emperor Star. Even the second and third princes went to school here. As for Alan, he was expelled to the eastern galaxy when he was five years old. Naturally, he has never enjoyed Emperor Star. of basic education.

    Dixing No. 1 Primary School as a whole is a silver hemispherical building, completely enclosed, with average architectural aesthetics and more emphasis on safety and defense.

    Butler Luther showed her around the school where she was going to attend.

    Although the school is very large, roughly the size of a Bird's Nest gymnasium, there are six grades in total, and each grade has only two classrooms.

    Zhu Luofu has already read the information. Although the population of the interstellar era has significantly improved physical fitness and doubled life expectancy, the fertility rate has always been low. Humans in the interstellar era have spread across many galaxies, but each planet can be regarded as sparsely populated.

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