Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

    Uncle Maimon already has a list of crops that Zhu Luofu listed that needs to be developed in the new season. There are nearly 30 kinds of crops in it, ranging from roots and tubers to melons and fruits to condiments, etc. .

    Except for white-backed rice and red salt fruit, many other crops are relatively primitive in Zhu Luofu's eyes. They belong to the type that can still be used, but better varieties can be bred.

    For example, a crop that looks like a tomato. Now the fruit is relatively small, with thick skin, high acidity, and relatively hard seeds. Zhu Luofu obviously wants to cultivate it in the direction of the tomato she is familiar with.     Zhu Luo Fu has never had any experience in botany. Fortunately, she does not need to do it herself. All she needs to do is to ask Uncle Maimon, and the relevant staff on planet V26 will work hard in the direction she requested.     Zhu Luo Fu had been running around for a whole day without a break, but she briefly forgot about the mech confrontation platform.     When returning to the resting place, it was just dark here, and speaking of Zhu Luo Fu's schedule, she could sleep until dawn just in time.     Next, Zhu Luofu didn't arrange any work for herself, and just wanted to experience the scenery of the small planet V26 quietly.     She asked Uncle Maimon for an aircraft, and asked him not to accompany him anymore, just go about his own affairs.     It could be seen that Zhu Luofu wanted to be alone, so Uncle Maimeng withdrew without any objection.     A good dream.     The morning light shines through the glass window and gently brushes over the delicate cheeks of the girl on the bed, silently waking her up.     Zhu Luo Fu got up and tidied up, and opened the door to move her body first.     Unexpectedly, when he opened the door, he saw a familiar figure from behind.     "Your Highness?" Zhu Luofu stroked her startled little heart, and asked inexplicably, "Why are you here?"     Allen turned around and said, "Didn't Steward Luther tell you?" ? I will come to V26 star to rest."

    "I know." Zhu Luofu     said, "I mean, what are you doing standing outside if you don't go to have a rest?" Rest well, and seeing the sunrise, I think you should wake up too, so come and have a look."

    Zhu Luofu tied up her long hair behind her head, walked to Allen's side in two steps, raised her head and said to him : "Do you want to experience the flying machine I drive? My plan today is a self-driving tour, and I can add you." The     breeze blew her hair, and the morning light flickered on her body. Alan couldn't help raising his hand to help She straightened some unruly hair, and seeing her relaxed expression, she smiled and said, "Is it safe?"     Zhu     Luo Fu raised her eyebrows: "Of course." from tropical rainforests, to temperate plains with brocades of flowers, to high-latitude white deserts     ; I can't be as happy as I am now.     In the end, Zhu Luofu stood on the highest peak of V26 star, stepped on the white snow, pointed to Alan and said: "I was skiing in a place like this before crossing. Then there was an avalanche, and I I was buried under the snow and fainted, and when I woke up, I was on the deserted star."     She gave a short laugh, and then said: "Now that I think about it, it's like a strange dream. More precisely, Come on, I still seem to be in a dream.”     “Don’t take this as a dream.” Allen said, “Whether it’s pain, happiness, anxiety, or unwillingness. Don’t take this as a dream .All your experiences must be realistic and leave traces of life. If you think about it from another angle, how lucky you are, except you, no one else will have an experience like you in this life."     "Maybe you are here to save What about the humans of the interstellar era?" Allen said, "The girl from before the star calendar brought the civilization of the buried and lost home planet to save us barbarians."

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