chapter 15

668 16 13

TW: death, blood

"Hey shorty! Come on lets go ice skating and get some hot chocolate!" the were kids. Little kids. The ginger small boy whispered while trying to warm himself up outside in the snow and cold with poor clothes "Zai.. I don't have money and my clothes aren't good for this snow.. I'm sor-" the bandaged boy grabbed his wrist softly and ran to his house with him "my parents aren't home and they left me money for once! I can get you ice skating shoes, hot chocolate and food!" he said while blushing a little bit with his pale cold face with a wide smile "R-really?" little chuuya said with a half smile trying to hide his excitement "Yeah! Come on lets go!" Dazai grabbed his second coat and the money that were on the table and ran to the city center with chuuya.

"Some ice skating shoes please!" the woman that worked on the shop smiled softly at them but wad worried about where their parents were "Um little ones, where are your parents?" Chuuya nobbed "We came alone here because my friend wanted to buy me ice skating shoes" the female worker looked upset, why were so young kids alone in the center of the city? She went to talk with her boss "Mr I will have to go for a while..  and I want 2 pairs of ice skating shoes" she bought the shoes with her money and walked to the boys "Come on where do you wanna go? I pay for everything" the woman had red with pink her and pierced unique eyes, she was so gentle and soft with the kids "You know I got a daughter your age or a little smaller and a son and I wouldn't let them wonder around so I won't let you either, it's dangerous" chuuya and dazai pretended to have a serious secret talk and decided to go with the lady, she helped them skate, bought them hot chocolate and food and told them stories "I'm kouyou, and my daughter kyouka, she's at the house with her nanny while I'm working, she's a really kind and shy girl" "Woah! You seem to take good care of her! My parents left me with my brother a long time ago so he has multiple jobs to take care of me" kouyou felt so bad for the kids "Well better we go back now" the two boys nobbed and went back to their houses safely.

"Chuuya! Where were you?! I got worried sick!" "I was in the shops with dazai.. and a nice lady bought us stuff and tool care of us so nobody harms us...! Please don't be mad" verlaine was furious, not because he didn't ask him before going to the shops, because he could have died and trusted strangers "Chuuya! That's so dangerous! Don't go alone in the shops with dazai again and don't talk to strangers! You're grounded! Go to your room now!" little chuuya was sobbing from hearing his brother screaming and ran to his room, the blonde boy felt bad later and went to comfort his brother "hey umm.. I'm not so good at this brother thing, I'm sorry" suddenly he felt tinny hands wrapped around his waist and sobbing noises "Shhh its okay".


"Goodmorninggggg!" "Dazai? What are you doing here?" the boys kept contact with the lady and sometimes she gave them food or clothes and they helped kyouka, the girl that was a lot of years younger than them, to communicate better and make friends "Is that food?" "Yess! Mrs Kouyou gave them to me this morning and told me to give you some too!" "Guys what did I tell you about using this lady? Because she's kind that doesn't mean you can take stuff from her!" the bruenette whined "Come on verlaineeeee! We are still 12 we can't work! We need food!" the blonde man sighed as chuuya sat next to dazai as they ate.



Chuuya was abandoned, by his brother, his girlfriend, everyone. Suddenly while he was walking in Yokohamas streets, because he had no home to go to, he found a small female figure with purple hair looking at him "What do you want kid?" suddenly the girl hugged him, he was suprised but when he realised who it was he smiled "Kyouka?" she nobbed as chuuya smiled softly and took her to his arms "How is akutagawa?" "He- he's sick chuuya, he is coughing blood.. i think he is d-dying but he says he is fine" she said in a sobbing and breaking voice, chuuyas eyes widened, he knew akutagawa was sick but not dying. He immediately took his phone out "How did you know I was here?" "I just knew, you loved that lake, you always skate here in the winter, hand to hand, with dazai" he wanted to smile but he didn't, he couldn't smile because that was just a memory, it could never happen again "Osamu. Now it's not the time to solve our personal matters. Akutagawa is dying. He is really sick."


"Woahhhh! Mrs Kouyou! You got a huge house!" Dazai was holding chuuyas hand tightly as they were exploring the house, suddenly they saw a black-white haired boy playing the piano "Hellooooooo!" the bruenette said with a bright smile, the boy seemed younger than them "I'm dazai! And this is chuuya my best best best friend! You?" "A-akutagawa" the boy was scared of people but felt safe as chuuya walked up to him "What you're playing is beautiful, and incredible for such a young age" suddenly he stopped talking and just blushed and had butterflies in his stomach as dazai hugged his waist from behind and placed his chin on his shoulder "He is 8, 4 years younger than you" chuuya tried to stop his voice from shaking in embarassment and panic, but suddenly kouyou ran to the boy as he started coughing and spit blood in the floor.


Dazai immediately drove there with his car just to find kyouka trying to calm chuuya down, he was trying not to cry so he could comfort kyouka but failed, suddenly he cried in the taller man's arms "Its gonna be okay chuuya" the bruenette whispered in his ear.

Author notes:
1. The age gasps are random I was bored to check what age every character is
2. I'm adding new character so we have plot bc I really want to continue this book more
3. I called them ice skating shoes bc idk how they are at English it's not my native language idk it well


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