Kise Ryouta x Reader: Digits?

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Kise was humming while walking hand in hand with you. You both were coming home from an amusement park date to be exact. You heard your name being called and turned around. You turned to see (bestfriend) and (malename) walking towards you.

"Hey! I see you're on a date huh?" (bestfriend) teased. She elbowed you, winking. She laughed when she saw your expression.

"Mou~, why do you always tease me?" you groaned.

"I'm just joking," she sighed. "So, tell me..Kise?" she asked.

Kise stopped talking to (malename) and looked at (bestfriend). "Hmm? Is there something wrong?" he asked.

"Ah.." she blanked. When did (y/n) started dating such a hot guy? She's never mentioned him to me before! "So how did you guys meet? I'm curious as to how (y/n) got such a hunk~" she teased.

Kise looked at you. You just gave him the go sign. You desperately wanted to get back to the cozy comfort of Kise's place and cuddle and possibly make out...

"Well," Kise began.



1 year ago

The sound of sneakers on the gym floor attracted you. You were part of the Girl's Tennis club as their captain at Teiko. Your oldest brother was the team before he graduated.

You walked in to see two boys going one on one. The blond was frustrated, his eyes narrowed with concentration while the navy blue was laughing, his eyes sparkled.

"Aw! Aomine-cchi, you're so tough on me!" the blond whined.

"What? Doesn't that mean you have to be tough in order to win? Practice more!" Aomine teased.

You smiled and walked away, the team looks fun. While you were walking home, you realized that there were some boys following you. "What do you want?" you asked, giving them your full attention.

"Oh, she actually noticed!" one of them hissed.

"Um...Sempai..I..We...I like you!" the second confessed.

Your eyes widen. "Um..Sorry...I'm not interested," you said. You hurriedly walked away, leaving the two boys alone.

You walked into Maji Burger, and sat down at a booth, catching your breath. You sighed. You always had admirers since you were one of the top prettiest girls in the school.

You looked down at the locket on your neck. You sighed. Your boyfriend, ex actually, recently broke up with you. You couldn't get over the fact he actually did that. You sighed in frustration and threw it into the trashcan. No use of remembering that guy anyways.

You groaned and covered your face. You heard a familiar voice entering ear-shot. "Oh, it's (y/n) cchi!" Kise exclaimed.

"aH, hi Kise," you said. He sat across and smiled at you.

"How do you know my name?" he asked.

"How do you know my name," you questioned back. He chuckled.

"(y/n) cchi is funny. I heard one of my classmates talking about you. You're pretty popular!" he explained.

"I heard you name from one of your fangirls. Funny huh."

That was just the beginning of a budding relationship between you two. You trusted him and he trusted you. One day, you were staying behind in class to finish some paperwork for the tennis team.

Kise was at practice and would come and walk you home. You heard another pair of feet coming to the door. You looked up to see the boy that confessed to you.

"What are yo..?" you began.

Suddenly, he pushed you against the wall, your cries muffled. "Sempai...why would you like someone like Kise? He's always whisked away by his fangirls and he's not even worth it! Please..Tell me why he's better then me!" the boy shouted.

You tried to push him away but your tries were futile. "Please! Let me go!" you screamed.

It was all a blur. You were enveloped in a warm chest. It was like being in a certain someone's embrace...

"Don't you dare touch her again, you hear me?" Kise growled.

The boy ran, leaving you two alone. You held on, afraid to look into his eyes. Kise lifted up your chin. You shuddered.

"Kis..e," you mumbled.

He just smiled. "I'm glad I got here before things got worse."

"I like you...A lot. I didn't realize it till now," you confessed.

"Yeah..I feel the same way," he nodded.


Kise hugged you, and kissed the top of your head. "I love you."

You hugged him back, chuckling. "I love you too."




"AH~ So that's how you guys got together. So cute!" (bestfriend) exclaimed.

"Yeah. But after that heartfelt moment, Kise asked me 'can I have your digits?' It was terrible!" you laughed.

"Hey! Don't tease me (y/n) cchi!" Kise huffed.

"Alright. We gotta go. It was nice seeing you!" (bestfriend) said. She waved and went off with her boyfriend.

"She's nice," Kise said. You looked up at him.

"She's your fangirl. You don't need to see her room," you pointed.


"She didn't ask for you digits," you thought out loud.

"Why would she? She's got (malename)."

"Huh..I guess," you concluded and walked away.

"(Y/N) CCHI!"

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