Akashi Seijuro x Reader : Worth It

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She's grace, she's beauty, and she can kick your ass.  She's everything he wants. She shines like the sun, her laughter sounds like Christmas bells, and her eyes are like gems money can't buy. He smiled contently, watching the girl of his dreams talking with her classmates. (y/n) (l/n) was something. 

Akashi sighed and looked down at his desk. He was by himself, thinking deeply of how to approach his princess without scaring off her friends. Was he that intimidating? Well, he kinda put that on himself... "Akashi-kun, are you okay?" she asked. 

He jumped. There she is. Right in front of him. She was even prettier up close. "Yes I am (y/n). What are you doing by the way?" he asked. He hoped she stayed. 

"I was wondering if you were okay..I mean you were all by yourself and you didn't talk to anyone. Oh and she seemed to be deep thought..Sorry," she laughed. He felt a twitch of a smile on his lips. "I was also wondering if you wanted to come with me after school to watch street ball."

Akashi blinked. He was sort of shocked. His prince..Wait, his EMPRESS was asking him to such an event? "I didn't think you were interested in such a thing, (y/n)," Akashi pointed. He beckoned her to sit. She did so and smiled. 

"Well, my younger brother really likes basketball and he has been going with his friends to see these games. I got interested since my family and I share equal love for the sport..I thought you would too since you know..you're a.." She babbled. 

He hushed you with his finger. "Enough. I would certainly enjoy to come and watch with you," he said. She smiled. It was enough to drive him insane. He really loved this girl. 



She wore a simple (fav color) romper and flats while he wore a crisp white button up with black skinny jeans, accompanied with red sneakers. He offered his hand which she gracefully took. 

As Akashi watched the game, he couldn't help but to judge them so hard. (y/n) just laughed as he told her his comments, frustration on his face. She gently brushed his arm as she cheered for her bias. He couldn't really help but to be jealous. 

"I can do better then him," Akashi pointed. (y/n) just giggled. 

"I know. I always cheer for you during your games. Although you may not exactly need it," she pointed. Akashi was left baffled. This girl...

Once the game ended, rain started to lightly drizzle. "Please come this way, Akashi-sama," the driver said. He opened the door while Akashi ushered her inside. She blushed, realizing how nice the car was. 

"Please take us to the Italian diner by 25th street," Akashi said. The driver nodded and made his way. 

"Oh , you don't have to drive there. I can go home and eat," she pointed. Akashi gave her a small glare but his thumb was gently caressing the top of herr hands.

"(y/n), I honestly want to take you there. Think of it as a date," he said. 

"I asked you on one already," (y/n) said. Akashi gave her a questioning look. She just laughed and leaned on him. "I asked you the other day remember?"

Akashi just chuckled and held the girl close. Definitely worth it. 

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