Akaashi Keji x Reader : Can't you be Mine? Part 2

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It's here by popular demand ;)

For next 5 months, Akaashi made sure to give you the space you needed. He didn't know what he was expecting. He knew. He knew he knew but only if he told you..maybe you would still be at his side.

He sighs and gazes at the volleyball in his hands. The chatter of his teammates slowly faded and all he could hear were your words.

Just let me go.

But why couldn't you see that he couldn't? He needed you. Though (girlname) was his object of affection as of now, he always had this reserved love just for you. You were there for him since the very beginning. He sighed and smacked the ball a couple times against the ground.

(Girlname) wasn't you. That was one problem. (Girlname) was kind, pretty, smart, but what made Akaashi keep coming back to you?  His eyes flickered once again to the bench where you would sit and watch the team. 

"Akaashi, what's wrong?" You asked.
"Nothing. Well, Bokuto's been on my back lately," Akaashi pointed. He looked down at your hands, which were held out. He gave you a questioning look.
"Give me your hands," you chuckled.
He did reluctantly and didn't expect you to gently kiss his knuckles.
"Don't worry so much. It'll give you wrinkles," you teased. He couldn't help but smile.

"Akaashi?" a voice asked. He snapped his head towards the gym doors, hoping to see a certain

Instead (girlname) peeked through. "What are you doing here?" Akaashi asked. He tried his best to sound genuine.

"Can I speak to you privately?"

"Agh! He's just such an amazing person!" You sobbed. You were drowned in ice cream and tissues. Bokuto thought it would be a good idea to call in sick and hangout with you all day.

"Good thing I told Akaashi I had the cold! I coughed and I made throat all froggy like," Bokuto boasted.

He gently patted your back and let you snuggle up to his side. Moments later, you both were crying over a soap opera on TV. Suddenly, there was a hooting noise coming from Bokuto's backpack. He untangles himself from you and looks at his phone.

"Crap! It's Akaashi. He's heading over to my house right now what do I say?" Bokuto panics. You both frantically tried to figure out what  to do. Then, your doorbell rings.

You both freeze and slowly turn towards the door. "I'm not going to open it," you whsiper.

Bokuto however was striding across the room and swung the said door wide open. "Aka..!" he blurted before Akaashi stopped him.

"Why are you here? I thought you were sick," Akaashi asks. His eyes were cold. "I tried your house phone but no one picked up so I presumed you were asleep."

Bokuto laughed nervously before grabbing his belongings and booking it out the door. You rushed out and saw him halfway down the block. "BOKUTO YOU JERK!" you yelled. You sighed before turning around to face the one person you have been trying to avoid.

"It's been a while, (y/n)," Akaashi quietly said. You nodded and stepped outside, closing the door. You leans against it, looking at Akaashi carefully under your eyelashes.

"What brings you here."

" I broke up with her. Funny huh?" Akaashi smiles. You flinched.

"You know Akaashi, people usually get sad when they get dumped," you bluntly pointed. Akaashi ponders over the thought.

"I believe so..but I feel..free like I'm relieved," he retaliated. He took a deep breath before continuing. "She told me that I shouldn't be with people I don't love. I didn't understand what she meant. She just smiled and said how she knew that you liked me. After all, you were always tensed up."

"Now that's a bit over stretched don't you think?" You laughed nervously. Akaashi smiles anyways, glad to see you slightly opening up.

You both stood in comfortable silence before Akaashi spoke up again. "Can you forgive me?" He gently prodded.

You sighed and looked at him with sad eyes. "How can I trust your word?"

He started walking and looked back, his eyes with a sly sparkle.  "You'll have to wait and see"


You woke up and started your usual schedule. You heard a text alert go off.

Go to the gym after school - Akaashi

You were quite confused but made a connection in your head that it was probably connected to what he planned yesterday.

Once the day was over, you glanced at your watch to see it was a bit past 5. You stepped into the gym to see Akaashi alone, twirling a volleyball in his hands.

"Akaashi?"you asked. He looked up and smiled.

"I'm here to ask you if you want to go out with me. But in order for that to happen, I'm going to serve 3 balls and if I don't make all of them, I can't ask you."

Your eyes widen but you couldn't move as he starts. He makes the first, it floats right in. Then the second. But before he could do the third, you stopped him.

"I..I don't need you to do this.  Why would you go so far to be with me?" You asked.

He gently put down the ball and smiles sadly. "Can't you be mine?"


The next day Bokuto was waiting in front of the gym for the club keys when he see both you and Akaashi walking.

"Hey hey! So how dos it go?" Bokuto chuckled.

Akaashi held out his hand in which you slid in yours hesitantly. "Let's say it went well," Akaashi smiled.

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