Tsukishima Kei x Reader: Got You

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You watched as Karasuno practiced, hitting ball after ball, running up and down the court, etc. You sighed and placed your chin in your palm, sitting at the bleachers with your book forgotten in your lap.

Kei promised to walk you home yet he suddenly called in for practice for a practice match next week against Nekoma. You groaned. You called your mom saying that you're going to be home by 7 when it's right now 6:48. You packed up your things and left the gym.

Kei watched you leave, his mind jumped in slight confusion. "Ne, Tsukki, do you know why (y/n)-chan is leaving early?" Yamaguchi asked.

Kei shrugged. Beats me.



As you were walking home, you felt a slight shiver coming up your spine. You sighed, tugging your jacket closer. You felt stupid for leaving the warm, sweaty, musky gym. At least it was better then being out in the cold.

You were suddenly pulled aside, your mouth covered. You screams were muffled and you kicked and punch your kidnapper.

He or whoever let you go. You turned and gasped. "(ex'sname)?" you asked in disbelief.

He just smiled and rubbed his bruised arm. "Sorry. If I call out for you, you'll leave anyways."

"At least meet me in a much more cleaner place. C'mon, let's go inside the cafe. I'll call my mom saying I'm late. But I'm blaming you."



It had been a while since you've both talked. He dumped you for another girl, who was obviously better then you. You traced the rim of your cup while (ex'sname) stared in your eyes. "I could tell you're with someone now," (ex'sname) pointed.

You looked up and nodded. "He's so much more nicer and understanding."

liar. You know that Tsukki isn't nice at all.

"Really?..Oh. I just like thought that..." he began.

You touched his hand. He flinched and looked into your eyes, his gaze sad. "I'm sorry. I can't leave him. He wouldn't ever hurt me like you did. I can't trust you just like that after what you did," you said.

You stood up and left the cafe. (ex'sname) chased after you. He grabbed your wrist. "Let me go. Please. Stop doing this to yourself," you begged. You pulled away harshly.

He couldn't. He pulled you towards him, enveloping you into a hug. You lost your breath and began to fell the tears in your eyes. You couldn't believe that all this time, he finally caught up to you.



Kei walked around, a meat bun still in it's bag. He saved it for you since he wanted to apologize for making you leave first. As he went to cross the street, his eyes widen at the scene.

There you were being hugged by a man, someone who he didn't know. He felt his rage boil up 100%. He raced across, everything was now a blur. He raced to you.

You opened your eyes to feel yourself being yanked away, a new familiar chest. You hugged that person back, knowing that whoever it was, was definitely Kei. "Don't you ever touch her. Leave," he growled at (ex'sname).

(Ex'sname) left, his heart falling low. But Kei didn't care.



On your walk home, Kei was silent but he never let your hand go. You felt disappointed in yourself..you began to silently hate. "Why did you hug him?" he asked suddenly.

"I don't know. I'm sorry," you gently said.

He turned to you. He tugged off the jacket you wore and threw it down on the ground. "KEI?!" you gasped in shock.

He pulled you closer and kissed you deeply, his lips molded against yours. You blushed at the contact but kissed him back aways.

He parted and smiled. "I understand. I just wanted you to know...I got you."

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