Every Beautiful Piece - Jax Smut

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Requested by torimoncada

Description: Jax's girlfriend struggles with her self-image and bouts of disordered eating. Jax is more than willing to spend his time showing her how much he loves her and her body.

I stood in the clubhouse waiting for Jax to get out of church. We were supposed to go see his son in the hospital then head home for the night. Abel was fighting still and getting stronger from how his junkie mother had screwed him up by shooting up. Wendy and I were cordial enough when Jax had married her but we never really liked each other much.

I was exhausted and I wasn't feeling the best. I leaned against the bar and Kip looked up at me.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded but he didn't seem to believe it.

"Sit down. I'll get Jax."

"Like hell you will," I said as I sat down. I laid my head on the bar.

"I'm getting Jax," he said before yelling my boyfriend's name.

Jax came running out of the church, Clay close behind yelling at him about interrupting church. Jax ignored the two as he ran to me, calling for Chibs over his shoulder.

"Baby, what's going on?"

"I'm fine. Just a little light headed."

"When's the last time ya ate?" Chibs asked. I couldn't remember.

"Breakfast maybe," I said. Jax stormed off to the kitchen and reappeared with a protein bar and a soda.

"Her blood sugar's low," he said, shoving Chibs as he ripped the bar open and handed it to me to eat.

"How many times are we going to do this, darlin?" He asked, shaking his head.

"This happen a lot?" Chibs asked.

"Since we were in high school," Jax said.

"She'll be alright but she needs to eat something more than that," Chibs said.

"Thanks man. I'll handle it and make sure she eats more going forward," Jax said. Chibs kissed my head and walked away.

"Let's go home. I'll take you to see Abel in the morning."

I nodded and Jax carried me out to my car, insisting on driving me home.

When we got to the house, he took me immediately to the couch and called the diner. I didn't hear what he'd ordered but I could tell it was more than the two of us needed.

"Why?" He asked as he sat down by my feet and started to take my boots off for me.


"Why didn't you eat?"

"Wasn't hungry," I said.

"Bullshit," he said. "You used to put Opie and I to shame babe. There's no way you weren't hungry. So tell me the truth."

"I really wasn't hungry."

"I don't believe that."

"I don't give a damn if you believe it Jax."

"What is going on?"

"You should find someone better for Abel. Someone better for you," I said. "Hell Tara's back and I'm sure she'd love a second chance at you."

"I don't want anyone else. Dammit. I want you darlin," he said.

I shook my head as my eyes watered.

"I want you babe. Your self-doubt won't change that."

The doorbell rang and Jax went to grab our food and pay for it. He returned and made me sit up and eat with him.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked when we'd finished. I nodded. "Honestly?"

"I feel fine Jax. I still think you can and should do better than me. You could have any girl you want," I said. He cut my words off by picking me up.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm having the girl that I want," he said, taking me to our room and dropping me on the bed.

He planted a firm kiss on my lips as he hovered over me. "You're the only woman I want babe."

His hands traced down my sides before he pushed my shirt up my torso some as he kissed me again. I ran my fingers through his hair, pulling him as close as I could. He smirked a little as he pulled back and pulled his shirt over his head. I smiled at him as he leaned back down to kiss me again.

"I love you babe. I'll spend every moment I have showing you if that's what it takes," he said softly before kissing me again, breaking it only long enough to pull my shirt over my head. His lips trailed down the side of my neck, leaving a few small marks in their wake. I sighed as his hands wrapped around my thighs, pressing his fingertips in just enough that I felt it but not that it would bruise. He continued kissing down my body until he got to the top of my jeans. He undid them quickly and pulled away from me to remove the denim from my body.

"Fuck babe," he groaned out, looking down at me. "Hottest fucking woman ever."

I reached for his hand, pulling him closer to me and into another kiss. I reached between us trying to undo his jeans but he caught my hand.

"Tonight's about you. You're cumming at least once before I even think about me."

He released my hand only for his to slip inside my panties and brush his first finger over my clit.

"Jax," I said, trying to sound demanding enough he paid more attention to that part of me.

"Babe," he said.

"Please," I said. He smirked and started to rub circles around my clit, leaning in to kiss my lips again as his fingers sped up.

"Fuck," I mumbled against his lips as he continued.

"I want to watch you cum," he said. "Come undone for me baby."

I bit my lip a little as he sped up yet again and pushed me over the edge. I moaned out and he bit down on my neck.

He made quick work of removing my panties and his jeans and boxers.

"Fuck, you look so good like this," he said, moving closer to me and pulling my thighs up around his hips.

I looked up at him and he made eye contact with me as he aligned his cock with my entrance and pushed into me. I moaned loudly, still sensitive from the last orgasm.

"Jax," I said, trying to pull him as close to me as he could get.

He started to thrust in and out relatively slowly, but wasted no time in gaining speed. As he thrust, his one thumb reached between us and started to stroke my clit.

"Fuck, you feel so good," he mumbled. His thrusts were loosing rhythm and I could tell he was close. He sped up again and I could feel a second orgasm building too.

"Cum with me baby," he said. He was close and slowed his thrusts enough that he could work me back to the edge.

"Jax, please," I said. He nodded and picked his pace up again. He grunted as he pushed me over the edge into my second orgasm. His thrusts continued another second before stilling as he moaned and reached his orgasm.

We laid there, both breathing heavily for a minute.

"I love you babe. You're it for me. I want you by my side and caring for our kids, starting now with Abel," he said as he moved to sit up beside me.

"I love you too Jax," I said. He disappeared into the bathroom before returning with a towel. We cleaned up a little and he tossed the towel aside, climbing into bed with me.

"I'm going to make sure I'm on the lot for lunch breaks. If I can't be there Sack will be tasked with making sure you eat. You and I will eat dinner together every night while you work through this."

"Thank you Jax," I said.

"I love you. Every beautiful piece."

"I love you too."

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