What's There To Say? - Juice

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Description: When Jax's sister has her heart broken by her best friend, Juice swoops in to save her.

Jax's POV:

"What's the deal with your sister?" Juice asked, nodding towards the bar.

"The whole dead inside look?" I asked. He only nodded before taking a drink. "She got dumped. Her best friend, who she's been in love with for years, and her finally started dating. Then he decided he wasn't ready for a relationship and in her words crushed every fiber of her being."

He only nodded a little and watched her for a few more seconds.

"Dude if you're thinking about hitting on her, don't. Give her some space," I said. He nodded again and thanked me before walking off.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I could hear my brother and Juice talking but I ignored them. I wasn't sure I wanted to know what they were talking about anyways. It was probably Club business and I didn't have the mental capacity for that right now too.

Jax walked over and sat down next to me.

"You my dear sister, need to get laid," he said with a laugh.

"I do but I doubt it'll get me past my mental shit," I said.

"I get it. My marriage was just a sad time out," he said.

"Doesn't matter whose pussy all you saw was Tara?" I responded.

He nodded. "Pretty much."

"That's what I'm scared of," I said. He laughed a little as Juice walked back in. He must've just run out to his bike for something because he hadn't been gone long.

"Jax told me what happened," he said. "Getting stoned helps me, so consider this a gift."

He held his fist out to me and I placed my hand under it. He dropped a vape into my palm and I thanked him.

"Just promise me you'll be safe," he said. I nodded and promised him I wouldn't hurt myself.

I'd made the same promise to my mom and brother when they'd found out. Promising my safety wasn't an issue it was my sanity that I wasn't sure would hold up.

"Hey Juice," I said as he started to walk away. He turned to me with a light in his eyes I hadn't seen in a while. "Wanna go smoke with me?"

"Yeah sure," he said.

"Keep her safe asshole," Jax said. There was tension there but I didn't care about it as Juice led me back to his room.

We sat down on the bed side by side and each took turns hitting the vape. I hadn't smoked in a while so it didn't take me long to get stoned.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Juice asked.

"About being dumped?"

He only nodded in response so I laughed a little.

"What's there to say? It took me five years to admit to liking him and we dated four months before he decided he was better off single."

"Damn I'm sorry."

"Wanna know the worst part?"

I stared at his eyes for a few seconds, almost losing myself in them. That might've been from being stoned, but it may also be that I'd never stared into his eyes before.

"What's the worst part (Y/N)?"

"He promised me he wouldn't do this. That we would make this stuff work because I told him it would crush my soul for me to lose him."

"He couldn't see what a perfect woman he lost."

I glared at Juice and he just held his hands up.

"Yeah okay," I said, making it very obvious that I didn't believe him.

"You are amazing and I will tell you every day how that prick didn't deserve you if he could leave you so easily behind," he said. I felt the tears starting to form and before I knew it I was crying into Juice's shoulder.

"Cry all you need to baby. I'm here."

"Don't Juice," I said.

"Just as friends," he said. "As long as you need to heal from this. Then I would like a date but for now I want to make sure you heal."

"Thanks Juicey," I said. He nodded and kissed my forehead as he continued to hold me while I cried.

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