Look At Me - Happy

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Description: Happy's old lady finds out about him cheating on her and decides it's time to leave him.

I'm sorry about the sad ending! - Erynn

"Happy Lowman get your ass out here," I snapped as I made my way into the clubhouse.

He looked up at me, clearly drunk and possibly stoned too. He sighed and stood up, trying to close the distance between us quietly.

"I hope she was fucking worth it," I snapped, trying to keep my voice even as my eyes watered.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Your whore showed up at the house this morning. Paperwork in hand. She's pregnant claims it's yours," I said. He stared at me, his eyes coming back into focus some. The news was obviously sobering him up a little.

"Wha- who?" He asked.

"That porn slut. Carrie, Candy, fuck if I know her name," I said.

He smirked a little. I swung at him but he caught the punch with ease.

"This isn't fucking funny Hap," I said. I tried to pull my hand away from him but he was stronger than me even as drunk as he was.

"I'm supposed to believe that some porn star that I haven't slept with in years, since before I  started fucking you, just showed up out of nowhere claiming she's pregnant with my kid?"

"Well that is what I was fucking told."

"Babe chill."

"Fuck you," I snapped, swinging on him again. This time my knuckles made contact with his cheek. The room went dead silent after that. He was glaring at me, an obvious attempt at intimidating me into submission around his brothers.

"Stay here tonight. I'll have my shit out by morning," I said, turning on my heel and walking towards the door.


I rolled my eyes and kept walking even as his hand wrapped around my bicep. I wasn't in the mood for this. I pulled away from him, refusing to wait around for him any more.

"Happy, I'm not. I'm done."

"Baby," he tried again.

I pulled from his grasp once again but he was quicker than me this time.

"You're not walking away from me again baby."

"The fuck I'm not Happy. I told you if you didn't drop the whores I was done."

He turned me to face him, and as much as I tried to twist and turn away from him, he held my face so we were face to face.

"I told you I was done with them. Don't you believe me?"

"I thought I did but clearly I can't."

I kept my eyes closed knowing if I looked at him I'd cave and forgive him.

"Look at me," he yelled.

I pulled away from his hands and turned away from him.

"Goodbye Happy," I said softly as I walked to my car. I couldn't forgive him again. I'd forgiven him for stepping out on me once on the condition that it not happen again.

As I got into my car I could hear him near his bike clearly getting ready to follow me home. I turned the key in the ignition as I looked over at him. He was staring at my car, his eyes hidden behind his sunglasses.

I started the car and started driving, heading for Bakersfield instead of our house. Happy's mom and I have always had a good relationship and if I was going to leave her son, she'd have to hear it from me.

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