The Exception Part 3 - Tig Smut

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When we got outside, groups were formed all around the lot with most having some view of the ring. Bobby was standing in the ring waiting to get it started. I couldn't tell who was fighting as Tig ran over to me.

"I'm fighting Hap next. I needed a good luck kiss," he said before leaning down to kiss my lips. He deepened it quickly, and I allowed him. It must've been the alcohol talking because normally I would've stopped him from anything more than a peck on the lips.

"You taste like peaches," he said, looking down at the drink in my hand.

"Helluva lot better than beer. More alcohol too," I said. He nodded and led me over closer to the ring. He watched the two in the ring, Jax and someone I didn't recognize, as he pulled his kutte and shirt off. He handed both to me before handing me his SOA ring as well.

He wrapped his hands and I was happy to watch him over the fight which he was still watching a little. He caught me staring at him and winked. I blushed a little as I smiled at him.

"Like what you see?"

I nodded and bit my lip. Bobby broke up the fight in the ring so Tig kissed me once more.

"Good luck," I said as he turned to go to the ring.

As he and Happy fought I watched Tig's every move. The way his muscles flexed with every punch thrown and received was mesmerizing. I didn't want to take my eyes off him.

The fight didn't last long as both brothers were getting winded. Bobby broke it up and they hugged each other before Tig jumped out of the ring and sprinted over to me. He has never moved that fast.

He kissed my lips deeply before taking my empty bottle and setting it on the ground. As he stood back up he threw me over his shoulder and cheers went up around us. I hated the fact that everyone was going to know what we were doing, but I wanted him too much to complain about it.

Tig took me back to his dorm and dropped me on the bed.

"Baby," he said. "Do you want to do this?"

"Yeah," I said, grabbing the hem of my shirt, ready to pull it over my head. Tig stopped my hands and did it for me. He made quick work of unclasping and removing my bra as well.

"Lay back," he said. I did as he asked and he took his shirt tossing it somewhere before hanging his kutte up. Of course he'd take the time to hang it up. He returned to me and kneeled on the bed between my knees.

His lips met mine as his hands wandered my body. His lips weren't on mine long before he moved them to leave a trail of kisses down my neck. He paused to make sure I was still into this before moving any lower than my collarbone. He kissed his way down my chest and stomach to the top of my jeans. He glanced up at me as his hands froze on the button of my jeans. I nodded that he could take them off and he did. It didn't take him long to have them and my panties tossed on the floor somewhere.

He kissed up the inside of one thigh and then the other pausing to look up at my face again. My eyes were closed, trying to keep myself calm. Tig has always had a serious hold on me, so anything he did felt ten time more pleasurable just because it was him.

He must've decided I was still into this because after a short pause he started to lick my clit, making me gasp out loud. He pushed one finger into me, pumping it in and out as he continued with his tongue.

As he added a second finger into me, I moaned and grabbed his hair.

He pulled away and stilled his fingers.

"What?" He asked. "You not into it?"

"I'm very into it, just close is all."

"Good," he said. "Just let go baby."

He wasted no time in continuing. He curled his fingers a little causing me to moan again. He chuckled a little and did it again while sucking lightly on my clit. That was enough to push me over the edge. I moaned loudly as Tig slowed the rhythm of his fingers.

"Fuck," I said.

"You're so pretty when you cum," he said. "Just totally sexed out."

I laughed a little at him as he kissed my stomach and worked his way back up my body.

"Let's just keep you this way forever. A little out of it-."

"If you're gonna go down on me forever then I will stay like this forever," I said.

"Shit, I could but I'm really fucking hard right now," he said. He stood up and grabbed a condom before removing his jeans and boxers.

"Ready baby?" He asked as he slid the condom on.

"Just be gentle," I said. He was very obviously bigger than any man I'd been with before. He nodded and lined up, pushing in a little.

I just nodded for him to continue. He used his thumb to trace circles on my already sensitive clit.

"Tig," I said. He looked up at me.

"Feels good doesn't it?"

I nodded and he pushed in more, making me gasped.

"Fuck," I said, bringing my hand up to my mouth.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Just need a second."

Tig nodded and traced circles on my clit. "I know baby," he said.

After a few moments, I nodded a little to him.

He started off slow, just barely moving but the more turned on I got the more annoyed I got with his pace.

"Tig," I said. I was getting close again.

"Yeah baby," he said, more moaning than talking.

"Faster please."

"Beg for it," he said.

"Please Tig, fuck, faster please," I said. He was staring down at me now.

"Fuck I didn't think you could get hotter," he said. He started to move even faster and I whimpered a little. I was close and honestly I don't even know where that came from. Probably from Tig's relentless circling of my clit with his thumb.

"Feels good," I said.

"Are you close baby?"

I nodded and he moaned. "Fuck, cum for me. I wanna see you cum again."

His words were all it took to push me over the edge, moaning his name pretty loud. He grunted and stilled as he came as well.

"Fuck baby," he said, smiling down at me. My eyes were barely open as he pulled out and went to dispose of the condom.

"So fucking pretty."

"Thank you Tig," I said.

He leaned down and kissed my lips gently before laying down next to me on the bed. He somehow managed to get the blankets pulled over us both.

As we laid there, both of us half asleep, his hand traced up and down my arm.

"Right here," he said.


"My crow."

I rolled my eyes at him and realized I'd been his old lady for a while whether or not either of us were ready to admit it.

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