Make That Happen Part 2 - Rane

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The following morning, Quinn and Happy woke me up way too early. The party and the fucking had kept me up most the night and completely exhausted me. But since I was now an old lady I needed to approve my crow tattoo. Happy still hadn't done Abby's either so they wanted to make a day of it and do both mine and hers.

"Leave me alone," I complained. The two laughed, both clearly happy to at least have a girl wearing their ink.

"Just look at the design baby."

I sat up and took the design in my hands to look at it. It was beautiful. A crow in flight with some line work mountains in the back.

"Cause everyone calls you a mountain of a man," I said. Rane's name was worked seamlessly into one of the wings.

"It's funny right," Hap said. Rane didn't seem as amused by the mountains but I loved the design.

"It's perfect," I said. The guys agreed and I sighed, laying back down. I knew I wasn't getting more sleep.

"Coffee, breakfast, then this," I said. The two agreed and Happy left. Rane grabbed me a pair of shorts from my go bag.

"When did that get in here?"

"I sent the prospect for it so you had clothes for today. I think you should just wear my shirt and these though."

I nodded and got dressed. Luckily I wasn't hungover. I still wanted coffee and breakfast though.

"Come on, the croweaters cooked."

"Oh great they're going to try to poison me."

He laughed a little.

"What if," I said. "And hear me out on this, a double breakfast date with Hap and Abby."

"Fine," he said and walked off to find Happy. I got dressed in his shirt and the shorts. I didn't figure Abby would wanna be on the back of a bike just yet so I'd drive the two of us.

I went to the bathroom and finished getting ready, deciding that I wasn't redoing my makeup as I wiped off the smudged eye shadows.

I went off to find my old man and his best friend. They were sitting at a table in the main room together with Abby. I sat down and Rane handed me some coffee so I thanked him.

"Prospect went after breakfast. Apparently you were right and the guys who ate what the croweaters made are throwing up," Rane said. I stifled a laugh and looked over at Abby. She still wasn't making eye contact but she seemed more comfortable around Happy.

"How're you two doing?" I asked.

Happy looked down at Abby and waited for her to answer.

"Good I think," she said. Happy nodded in agreement.

"Explained about being an old lady and stuff and she said she knew already," he said.

"I was just helping my new bestie out," I said. "Had to make sure she knew how to make this life work without getting shafted."

"How the hell would one of us shaft you?" Rane asked.

"There's the croweaters and the run rule. Enough free pussy to keep any man coming back. Us women have needs too."

"Uh oh was he worse in bed than expected?" Happy asked. I looked over at Abby who was blushing bright red at the conversation.

"He's a pretty good lay. Why do you think I'm taking his crow so quick?"

"Hey," Rane objected.

"I said you were a good lay," I laughed as the prospect sat two bags down at our table. Rane and Happy both moved to open them and sort the food out.

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