When I Have A Beer Part 2 - Happy

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A couple hours later, Happy and I redressed before heading out to the bar. There was a party going on. I think for my release. I couldn't be sure.

"Hey pretty thing," my mom said. "How long you been back?"

"Not long," I said.

"Don't fucking lie. You and Happy got home almost three hours ago," Jax yelled from the bar. I blushed a little as Happy handed me a beer and wrapped his arms around me.

"You're just jealous that she can last three hours," Happy said. I blushed again and tried to weasel my way out of his arms.

"Oh no babe, you're mine," he said.

"I will be your girlfriend Hap but you have to let me go say hi to other people," I said. I turned and kissed his lips gently.

"My old lady," he said. "I'll do your ink soon."

"What if I'm not-."

He cut me off with a kiss. "You're in your own head."

Unfortunately Happy knew me quite well and I knew he was right. I nodded. He released me dramatically and I walked off to find Tig and Chibs.

"Hey man," I said, stepping next to Tig and hip bumping him.

"Who the he-?" He cut himself short. "(Y/N) Teller in the flesh."

"Hey Tigger," I said, laughing as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Next time don't beat the shit outta someone in front of the coppers," he said.

"I learned that one the hard way. Fucking count should've listened about backing off my old man."


I nodded and he screamed. "Shots for the newest couple."

Happy was watching us and walked over. He'd seen the effects of Tig and I doing shots together before.

"Congrats man," Tig said.

"Thanks brother," Hap said. Tig handed us shots and the three of us did them together.

Happy whistled and it quieted a little. "Listen up. I'm only saying this shit once. (Y/N) Teller is my old lady."

"About fuckin time," Jax yelled. The guys circled through and congratulated us both. We did a ton of shots and I had to take a break.

"Water for her," Happy said. He glanced down at me. "Maybe some crackers too."

"Happy," I said.

He hummed a little as he wrapped his arms around me. "What can I do for you baby?"

"I'm drunk," I said. "Can't walk."

"Oh trust me babe. I noticed."

"Kiss me," I said. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. He pulled back and smirked at me. He rubbed my back and held the water bottle the prospect got for me.

"Drink up baby."

I took the bottle of water and drank some of it. The prospect handed me a bag of goldfish crackers and Happy laughed a little.

"Don't mock me."

"Are they yours?"

"Used to keep some around here in case this very situation happened."

"Eat up baby."

I pouted at him and he laughed a little and kissed my head.

"You're a good old man Hap."

"Don't get too used to it," one of the croweaters said as she walked behind us.

"Fucking bitch," I said. I went to go after her. Happy stopped me.

"Baby I want you not them."

"I know but fucking bitch should know her place."

"Go ahead and stand up," he said. I did and immediately regretted it. I sat back down and glared at him as he chuckled at me.

I drank my water and talked to a few of the old ladies. Before too long, Happy picked me up and carried me to his dorm.

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