Not Your Old Lady - Happy

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Description: Happy tries to tell Jax's little sister where she can and can't go to college.

I sat staring at the boards in front of me. I'd been having such trouble with picking a college that I had to go to the length of making physical pros and cons list posters. Being in the clubhouse wasn't helping matters either. The club was on lockdown for the foreseeable future which meant I was only allowed to go to school and come straight home. My parents were very overprotective. My older brother was the same. He was almost ten full years older than me and liked to act like parent number three even though I'd been acting like his second mom for the better part of five years now. My mom, being the SAMCRO Queen, had insisted I learn to be a good old lady. I needed to help the club and stand by the club. Maybe that's what was pushing me to go to college to become an RN. I needed out of Charming to do so though.

I'd been staring at the boards for god only knows how long when Happy's voice echoed through the clubhouse. He was in town for the lockdown. We'd only met a few months ago, shortly after I turned 18, and we flirted a little here and there but nothing serious. I liked to play the game with the guys. They all knew I was off limits so flirting with any of them was a fun little thing I did to amuse myself. Being the daughter of the President of the mother charter of the Sons meant I was strictly forbidden. No one was to lay a hand on me unless my father okayed it. That part pissed me off. This was supposed to be a hippie commune. My Uncle Piney had told me that.

The door to the room I was in practically came off the hinges with the force of whoever was opening. I knew that meant Happy. I knew he was pissed.

"You're not going to college in a town without a Sons charter."

"I don't know who the fuck you think you are," I said. I stood up and tried to walk around him. He stopped me with one hand on my hip.

"You're not going where we can't protect you."

"You aren't my fucking father."

"Watch your fucking tone."

I rolled my eyes and forced his hand off my body. He wrapped his fingers into the belt loop of my cotton shorts and the flimsy, threadbare fabric tore , revealing my hip and the lace panties I had on. I didn't care as I forced my way past him and out of the room.

"Where the fuck is Lee?" I asked loudly, knowing full well that the Tacoma President was around here somewhere.

"Chapel with your Dad baby," my mom said. Most of the people in Charming knew better than to get in my way when I was this angry. I was a force of nature and more often than I like to admit, I let my temper get the best of me.

I knocked on the door of the chapel, having been around long enough to know even if I wanted to knock the door down I couldn't. That would not be considered acceptable behavior from the President's daughter.

I didn't have to wait long and my dad opened the door. I pushed past him too and stood looking directly at Lee. There were a few other presidents in the room as well, but most, like my Uncle Jury, had seen my anger before. Most know better than to try and stop me. I take after my mom too much.

"Get your Sargent at Arms under control," I said. "Or I'll cut his dick off and feed it to him."

Lee chuckled a little but nodded. My father had scoffed behind me so I turned my glare on him.

"What'd he do this time?"

"Apparently I'm not allowed to go to college if there isn't a Sons charter in the town which is bullshit and I'll be going wherever I damn well please. He doesn't get a say in shit that I do, club enforcer or not."

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