Chapter 3 : Night sky

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"I don't know if seonbae reads my letters or throws it away, but I hope it's the former ( ╹▽╹ )
I recently went to my grandmother's and was staying the night there. Me and my family was awake at night and I saw how beautiful the night sky looked. The stars, glimmering and small filled the dark blue veil like gems. With the biggest most beautiful gem, a crescent moon on one corner. It truly looked magical "


"However the picture doesn't do justice to the orginal scenery and I'm very unhappy about it :(But I hope you like this picture :D"

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"However the picture doesn't do justice to the orginal scenery and I'm very unhappy about it :(
But I hope you like this picture :D"

- Your Dear Hubae~

I re-read the postcard a few times before finally sliding it into his locker. There was this small space, but it was enough to slide a letter through. I hope he is at least reading them before throwing it away. All I remember is he didn't throw away the last note I wrote to him. I cannot say the same for the postcards though. But as long as he reads it, that's enough for me. I'm not expecting anything in return from him. I just hope my letters make him smile on a rough day. Or encourages him on days when he feels broken inside. Or makes him happier even if his day was good. That is my purpose. And it ends with that. My one-sided crush on him.....ends with that.

I went to classroom after that. It's around 7:05 a.m right now. There was no one is class. It was really early. Thankfully the mornings aren't as chilly as during the winter time. It was summer season right now. I took off my hoodie, stuffed it in my bag and put my head down to doze off a little.

"Wake up!"
I felt continuous tapping on my forehead causing creases to form on them. I slowly blinked my eyes open to see the whole class bustling with students. There were two girls standing in front of me.

"Minji....." I mumbled rubbing my eyes.
"Wow, do you not see me standing here?" My other friend Haeun said.
"Heh. That's because you short" Minji said teasing Haeun and I chuckled.
"How long was I out for?" I asked and they shrugged.
"I dunno, maybe 20 mins?" Minji said and I picked up my phone to check the time. It was 7:40 a.m.
"By the way...." Haeun started then leaned in.
"You put another postcard in his locker today, didn't you?" She whispered and I flushed.
"Uh...ha ha ha yeah" I said rubbing my nape, feeling embarrassed.

"Sigh, she is beyond the point of return now" Haeun said sighing and Minji nodded munching on some chips.
"Exactly! You should give up now! How many times have I told you, it's literally impossible for you to end up with him. Look at you and then look at him"

Minji said then turned to look out the window of the class. The girls in my class swooned and I followed their gaze to see him passing by in the corridor. I stared at him.

It was just like the first time I saw him.

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