Chapter 10 : Let the Chase Begin

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I went to school early again. I'm meeting her today no matter what. I stepped in the locker room. No one. She wasn't here. But it was only natural. Maybe she will come a bit later now that I have deciphered her strategy. So I decided to wait there. It was around 6:10 a.m. and the classes start at 8. I had 1 hour 45 minutes to spare. But I had to stay around the locker room. So I stayed there. I wasn't standing right in front of my locker. But I was around the locker room. However she didn't come. Eventually it was time for Jimin, Jina and Jungkook to come. We usually come to school at around 7:30 a.m.

They also waited for her with me. But she never came. The other students were certainly surprised to see the whole of Student Council standing near the entrance. Some of them even assumed we were doing some sort of checking as they stopped in front of us while passing by.
Then the bell for classes rang. So we had no choice but to go to our classrooms. I entered the classroom and it was bustling with students. I just sighed and continued with my day.

Our Physical Education class was starting from today. Since the indoor basketball ground is big, the class will be taken with 2 classes combined. I heard our class was combining with a 1st year class.
"That doesn't make sense, why are they combining us with our juniors?" Jina said narrowing her eyes as she saw our juniors enter.
"Tch, they even have the audacity to arrive later than their seniors" she clicked her tongue and put one leg over another.
"I heard it's all because we have an odd number of divisions. 11 divisions of 2nd year and 11 divisions of 1st year" Jimin replied to Jina and she clicked her tongue again.
"Why does that matter?" She asked turning to Jimin.
"Well, if they combined 2 classes of 2nd year together they will have one class left. Same goes for the 1st years. And then they will have to combine the remaining 2nd year and 1st year classes. That's why" Jimin explained as we all waited for our trainers to come.
"Ugh why does it have to be our class though...." Jina complained again and I sighed.
"The teachers decided the arrangement of classes by drawing chits. Are you satisfied now? Why do you keep complaining, what does it have to do with us? Leave it be" I replied getting a bit annoyed. Jina rolled her eyes at me.

"Okay everyone, come down to the ground! We will start our class with stretching. We'll be doing only stretches for the initial classes" The trainer said upon entering and we all went down to the ground.

After the class, the trainer selected a few students from both the classes to clean the floor. Fortunately I wasn't one of them so I went to the Sports Utilities room to cool down. Everyone probably went to the activity room so it's better to stay here. I opened the small window in the Sports Utilities room. The cool summer breeze came in through the window, swaying the white curtains. It felt nice. I was sitting on top of a big desk in there. I leaned my back on the wall closing my eyes to rest for awhile.

After a while or so I heard a clicking sound. As if someone was opening the door. I opened my eyes immediately to see a girl coming in with a big box in her hands. When she saw me she stopped on her tracks, her hand let go of the door and it closed behind her. She looked away from me and then bowed. I did the same and leaned back again. She stood in front of rack where I assumed she had to keep the box at. Now the thing is, there was no step ladder around here. And she was small. And that box looked huge in comparison to her. So I exhaled and got down from the desk.

"Need a hand?" I asked and she flinched and took two steps back. I frowned.
"What, I'm not going to eat you" I said as I took a step forward and her cheeks turned pink.
"I don't want to trouble seonbae" she said rather shyly her eyes not meeting mine.
"It's more trouble that you are gonna stay here while you figure out how to get that box up there. I came here for some peace" I replied narrowing my eyes at her.
"Oh..." She let out, still looking down at her feet.
"Then here" she said stretching out the box to hand it to me. I took it and put it at its respective place.
"Thank you seonbae" she was still looking down while saying that.
"You're welcome, also..." I replied taking a step towards her. I gently put my finger under her chin and lifted her head up.

"You should look in the eyes of the person you are talking to" I said as I stared into her eyes. She blinked. My eyebrows knitted together in realisation. She was the same girl who was staring at my bracelet near the vending machine.
"Hubae?" I asked and she nodded her vigorously.
"I mean obviously, the only classes that are here are 2nd year and 1st year" she mumbled but it was loud enough and I heard it. She was looking away but then she looked at me.

"Did I said that out aloud?" She asked and I chuckled.
"Yep you did" I replied and she turned as red as a strawberry.
"I'm sorry seonbae" she apologised quickly bowing down all the way.
"It's fine"

She stood for awhile before suddenly bowing and leaving in a haste.
"What a weird girl" I muttered. I went back to class after changing out of my gym clothes. Most of the students had left and only a few bags were there. I packed my bag and then took out the books from the drawer underneath my desk. My hand went back inside the drawer searching for anything I may have missed. Just as I was about to pull back, my hand touched the corner of something. Like a stiff paper. I bent down to take a look in it to see what looked like a postcard. I quickly took it out to see it was signed as 'your dear hubae'. My eyes lit up.

I guess she knew I was waiting for her near the locker, that's why she left it in my desk drawer.

"I hope you have good day today too seonbae ^^ I hope you are eating well.... Were you able to find this postcard? It was accessible but since I suddenly changed the place....but if you are reading this then that means you have found it. The reason for changing the location is very simple and I believe you already know. It's because what happened yesterday. You almost caught me. I'm a bit unhappy with seonbae. I didn't know seonbae would try to look for me. But since you have started doing that, I would like you to stop it."

                                                             -p. t. o

"I request seonbae to stop searching for me. not ready for a confrontation with you. Also, not trying to be rude but I thought you would understand. The reason I'm writing to you without revealing myself is because I do not wish to do so. If I have to, I will do it on my own accord. I'm more than happy with being able to write postcards to seonbae. I know it might seem unfair to you, because I know who you are but you don't know anything about me, but still I hope you will understand -.-''' I would want the ground to swallow me whole if seonbae ever caught me ;-;"

                                    - Your Dear Hubae~

My hands dropped to the side after reading it. She doesn't want me to meet her. I felt bad after knowing that. But of course, I should have known better. If she wanted me to find out who she is, she would have given me some hints or not leave letters anonymously at all. But she hasn't written about anything like that. I wish I could do something about it but if this is what she wants, then I will respect it.

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