Chapter 8 : Countdown

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"Have a good day seonbae ^.^
Also countdown begins today! D-5 ;)"

- Your Dear Hubae~

So it begins today.
I have to admit, I'm actually looking forward to whatever she has prepared. Is she going to finally reveal her identity? That's.....highly unlikely honestly.
I thought while having my lunch with my friends Jimin, Jungkook and Jina.
"Um a sketch maybe?" Jina said suggesting what it might be.
"That sounds like it can be an option" Jungkook replied munching on some rice.
"What about some flowers she arranged herself?" Jimin asked and I frowned.
"Flower arrangement doesn't take 3 days" Jina replied on my behalf.
"Um maybe a playlist?" Jungkook jumped in now and I just sighed.
"No, it's definitely a sketch!"
"Listen, flower arrangements CAN take that long. Plus I think that's a thoughtful gift"
"No that's way too old fashioned. People nowadays make playlists for the person they like the most. Doesn't matter platonically or romantically. And it can be done easily"
"That sounds ridiculous, who makes playlist as a gift? Also it's taking her 3 days to make?"
"Some playlist do be taking time noona!"
"Jungkook that actually sounds ridiculous-"

"STOP" I said, raising my voice a little.
They all immediately stopped and I could tell the people around us were looking at us.
I sighed.
"Let's just wait for her yeah?" I said that and left it at that.

"Hope you are eating well! ^^
Btw, D-4!"

- Your Dear Hubae~

"Okay okay, D-4, 3 more days and we'll know what it is" Jimin said to our friends after he took a sneak peek at the note she left for me.

"Hang in there, D-3!"

- Your Dear Hubae~

"2 more days, just 2 more" I mumbled after reading her note.

"I'm almost done with it seonbae! Trust me, I'm struggling because I promised you I will give it to you after the countdown is over....
It usually doesn't take this long, but since I will be giving this to you, I'm putting all my heart and soul into it

- your dear hubae~

"Have a great day today too! D-1!"

- your dear hubae~

"I swear to god, if you all are thinking of gathering near my locker tomorrow, I will kill you guys. And you know I mean it" I said completely annoyed because they were all staring at the note intently like it was some cheese sandwich.
"You need to show in the lunch time, don't forget to bring it!" Jina said and I nodded.

"I m finally brave enough to leave the note on your locker rather than sliding it in through that small space"


"D-DAY!!!! Please open your locker for the thing I was preparing :D"

- Your Dear Hubae~

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