Chapter 9 : The Unexpected

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"Good morning seonbae!~ I hope your day is good hehe
I'm really happy today, partly because my efforts were recognised and seonbae liked the bracelet. And because I finally cleared the stage in a game that I have been dreading. It was so hard to get and I was starting to feel bad because other people had no problem clearing it -^-
But now I feel all good now that I have cleared it <( ̄︶ ̄)>

Hope you are happy too~
It's good to be happy over things, doesn't matter whether they are big or small......"

                                   - Your Dear Hubae~

I stared at the postcard, my eyes going over the words I wrote. Re-reading just in case. After I was done I quickly slid it in, before I changed my mind.

"Finally..." I heard a familiar voice say and I paused. I became as still as a statue. His voice almost made me jump out of my skin. That voice. It definitely belonged to Taehyung seonbae. I have to be cautious here. I cannot act carelessly. I could feel him approaching me. But he was still far from me. I grabbed the strings of my hoodie and pulled them in order to hide my face a little. I slowly turned towards the exit of the locker room. And made a run for it. I was sprinting like crazy. I turned to my left and ran as fast as my legs could take and before I knew it I had climbed up the stairs. I stopped for a short while to take a breather and then I ran to my classroom.

"WHAT" My friends exclaimed and I had to shush them because everyone was staring at us now.
"Keep it down keep it down, everyone's turning around and looking at us" I said in a low voice and they nodded.
"You almost got caught?!" Haeun asked leaning in.
"How?!!" Minji joined in, leaning in too.
"I was just....standing in front of his locker early in the morning like usual! I think he figured out I come early and slide in the postcard. So maybe that's why he came early too. Thankfully I had my hoodie on. It saved me!!" I said narrating the whole thing to them.
"Sigh, I never thought that hoodie would actually be useful" Haeun said leaning back against the chair.
"Me neither. I thought she was wearing it for no reason in this summer heat" Minji said doing the same.
I just exhaled a big sigh. I narrowly escaped him. Had he caught upto me...
I don't even want to think about it.

Taehyung's POV:

Last night, I couldn't stop thinking about this mystery girl. I wanted to find a way to talk to her. That meant, I had to meet her. But it would be hard to find her. I know absolutely nothing about her. Except for the fact that she is my junior. It does help to some extent, that meant she is among the freshers. But there are about a 1000 fresher students. Among them, the number of girls must be around 600. Am I supposed to go around checking the handwriting of each and every
one of them?

No, let's find a easier way. There has to be one. I open my locker in the morning and the postcard is always there. That must mean she comes really early so she can avoid bumping into me. With that thought in mind, I came to school early today. There was no one at school at this hour. The morning air was chilly and it felt so peaceful. It felt so good. It felt less suffocating. Whenever I would set foot in school, everyone would stare at me. I don't really care about it but I still feel uncomfortable and burdened by everyone's gaze. But right now, there were no students and so no one to stare at me.

I stepped inside the main building, turning to my left and walking toward the locker room. The locker room was more like an open hall with lockers lined up in rows. My locker was at the other end of the hall. I passed by the lockers. I turned right and looked up to see a girl standing in front of my locker. I gulped slowly, wondering if my plan actually worked. But it's not confirmed yet if it's her. I cannot see her or what her hair looks like. She was wearing this big grey hoodie, and the hood hid her face and hair. She stood there for a while and then she slid in what looked like a postcard. It's her. No doubt about it. I felt nervous and excited at the same time. I will finally get to see...."my dear hubae".

" Finally..." The word slipped from my mouth rather unknowingly. I saw her flinch. Her hands dropped to the sides. I slowly started walking towards her. Then suddenly she lifted her hands upto her face. I stopped. She pulled the strings of her hoodie and turned to her right. Suddenly she started running. I was dumbfounded. I reacted way too late and starting running after her. Unfortunately I lost her. I went up the stairs but she was nowhere to be found. Ugh, I messed up. If I hadn't spoken that time, I would have seen her.

"So you are telling me, she was literally 2 feet away from you but you missed her because of your dumb mouth and bad reflexes?" Jina asked more like taunting me, sitting there with that scary face of hers.
"I can't believe you hyung..." Jungkook groaned and Jimin kept shaking his head.
"Oh come on now! I will get her next time for sure" I said reassuring them.
"No way am I letting her get away next time" I mumbled to myself determined to see who is this my dear hubae.

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