Chapter 10 : Let the Chase Begin (Part•II)

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I went to school early again. Not because I wanted to catch her. But just because I wanted to. Since she told me not to search for her, I will not do so. However I like coming to school early now. It's less suffocating and I can breath. When I checked the locker room, there was no one there. I was low-key expecting her to be there but I believe she still doesn't trust me.

So instead of going straight to classroom today, I roamed around the corridors aimlessly. The school was so quiet it felt surreal. I finally walked to my classroom. No one was there. I went to my seat and sat down. Took off my coat and put it around my chair.

After making myself comfortable, I took some books from my bag and pushed them inside the desk drawer. However it felt like something was in the way. It wasn't going all the way in.
So I took out all my books and searched the drawer. My hand touched something like a notebook. I took it out and saw this seafoam green notebook. It had plaid pattern with a transparent cover. There was stretchable thread and a brown button closure. I pulled out the thread to open it. There was a postcard inside.

"Good morning seonbae~
Hope you are well (◕ᴗ◕✿)
Do you like this diary?? I bought this during summer holidays to start a new hobby which was...*drumrolls*.... Journaling!! Yes, I kind of wanted to start journaling for the longest time so I thought this year would be the best for it because I started my high school this year. So in case seonbae doesn't know, journaling is just basically writing down your thoughts or organising your thought into words. It brings peace of mind and helps if you want to get something off the chest"

-p. t. o

"Journaling can be of two types, one is normal journaling, just writing down your thoughts. And another is art journal or visual diary. It is actually maintained by artists, but many people set up yearly planners on YouTube so I wanted to try it myself :D
So this is the one I set up my planner in of this year, and the reason I'm giving it to you is.....I saw you for the first time when I was making this. So I guess seonbae can keep it -////-
You can write your thoughts in it. I suggest you develop a habit of writing, it's always good and you will have less chances of being betrayed by other people :D
Eat well, stay healthy!"

                                    - Your Dear Hubae~

After reading that I took out my phone and did some research on journals and journaling. So people decorate their diary entries with stickers and tapes. I guess that's what she is talking about. I put my phone down and flipped the first page to see a calendar with decorations just like on YouTube. I flipped through some more pages and she had actually filled up 5-6 pages. The second page was about summer holidays and about a guy she saw while she was sitting in the park making this calendar page. Is she talking about me?

My lips tugged up in a smile as I turned the pages. A recipe she learnt.
A new book she read, some new songs she found. Two whole pages dedicated to bracelets and pendants. She had written a list of what are the basic things you need to make one and a few pictures of some bracelets. And I saw the picture of my bracelet there. Below the picture it said "the one I gifted to seonbae hehe~"
And then there was nothing. I stared at the journal then put it back in my drawer.

"So she doesn't want to reveal her identity?" Jina asked drinking strawberry milk. I nodded as I rest my back on the chair.
"Why is everything so hard?" Jungkook said pouting. Me and Jimin chuckled upon hearing that.
"That's what she said" me and Jimin said in unison and burst out laughing.
"Ew, you guys are disgusting" Jina got super annoyed.
"You are going to say to your girlfriend one day" Jimin said to Jina and she just stuck her tongue out.
"I was sympathising with you here but I guess hyung is just okay after all huh" Jungkook glared at me.
"Well, what am I supposed to do if she doesn't want to meet me?" I replied and we all fell silent.

"Would you be mad if I went after your mystery girl? I'm kinda interested- okay I guess you will be mad" Jina started but took her words back when I glared at her.

The last class was again the Physical Education one. Today the trainer decided to assign us partners to do stretching with. We were told to stand in a line and the serial number will be the number given to us. So both the classes did. I was number 12. There were total 60 students in our class and 58 in the other. The last two remaining students would be told to pair up with each other.

Our teacher started calling out random numbers, the first number being called will be 2nd year's and the next number will be 1st year's.

"8, 10!" He called out and the students allotted with the respective numbers stood in a pair at the side.

"9, 56!"

"48, 13!"

"12, 34!" He shouted and I raised my hand to help my partner to find me. In the line opposite to me I saw this small girl raising her hand as well. What the.... it's the same girl from yesterday.

We moved to the side and stood together. I turned to her. She was looking away. Again.
"I think we should formally introduce ourselves since we will be working together yeah?" I said and she slowly looked up at me. Her head was upto my chin so she has to tilt her head up to look at me.
"Sure...I'm Y/n, Seol Y/n" She replied trying to make eye contact.
"I'm Kim Taehyung" I said and she nodded.
"Honestly, I think only I needed to introduce myself, I already know who you are"
"I know but still it would be arrogant of me to assume that people already know me" I replied and she chuckled.

After that we did what we were paired up for. Stretching. We had 5 stretches to do in total, taking turns. The pair done with everything were allowed to go sit at the side. So when we were done, we went and sat down on the sides of the floor. I drank some water while she watched others do the stretches. Suddenly I heard her whimpering. So I turned to her to see her shaking. As if trying to hold back laughter.

"What is it?" I asked and she turned to me. She then glanced at something then back to me. Then she took out a pen and wrote something on her palm.

"Look at those guys doing hamstring"

That's what she wrote. So I looked around to find some guys doing hamstrings. The guy had to hold down the other guy's ankles. And they were trying so hard that their lips won't touch while doing so.

I put my hand over my mouth to not laugh.

I went back to classroom after the last class. While I was tidying up I took out the journal she gave me. I stared at it. For some reason, Y/N'S face flashed in my mind. She wrote on her hand to talk without speaking. My eyes lit up as an idea popped into my head.

"That's it!"

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