Chapter 4 : The Build Up

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I sat on a bench under the shade of a tree. I could hear the cicadas all around the park. I held my small pastry box of tiramisu cake. It was the perfect day to enjoy the sunlight. I was making a journal spread for this year. This year was very special to me. So I wanted to cherish it. But I couldn't think of any unique ideas to decorate it. I had bought every cute thing I found in that Japanese stationery store that looked like a huge 3 floor mall. I stared at the pages with a frown on my face. Suddenly the pages started flipping because of the breeze and it started carrying leaves with it. I turned to the direction of the breeze. The leaves danced in the cool breeze of the summer. Tending to my hair which seemed to be going along with the flow of the wind my eyes looked around. I heard a bell jingle which caught my attention. My gaze shifted to the source of the sound. And I saw the most beautiful scenery of my summer holidays. Dark brown hair, sharp jawline, coral red lips and the sweetest smile on those lips.

It was just like that time. The only thing missing, was the big sweet smile I saw on him that day.

I was snapped out of my reverie. I looked out the window to see he was already gone. Out of sight. I turned my attention back to my friends.
"Ow ow ow" Minji whined while Haeun pinched her.
"Now why would you say that!? What do you mean that's impossible!" She said smacking Minji's shoulder.
"Okay okay okay! Stop that I will correct myself! I meant, look at US and look at HIM. He is on a whole different level! We are practically peasants in front of him. And you can't deny it, that's facts! Ow..." Minji finished rubbing her shoulders and I nodded while Haeun glared at Minji but gave up.

She also knows Minji is right. We are students who got enrolled to this elite school with the help of scholarship. The school takes students like us in to show not only are they superior but also give others a chance by giving out scholarship. Like they are rich, superior and humble. We are not treated the same by other students though. That's why, there is no way I could dream of being next to someone like Taehyung seonbae. He deserves someone of the same status as him. But I have never even entertained such thought.

I was happy being able to see him from afar.

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