Chapter 5 : Curiosity

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"I hope you have a good day! ^.^
I would have written a nice postcard but I was kind of busy hehe...
Anyways! I hope you are healthy and happy :D"
- Your Dear Hubae~

That's what her note said. It's been three days since her picture postcard. She has been leaving notes everyday since then. I stared at the note, unable to figure out her motive. I opened my locker and stuck it at the back. Lost in my train of thoughts, I reached for the books and then slammed it closed.

"Any news from your dear hubae?" Jimin asked teasing me.
"Yeah she left me a note..." I replied nonchalantly. Jimin's face brightened up. He looked so excited even though he wasn't the one receiving them.
"Do you want me to find out who she is so I can set you up with her?" I asked and Jimin gave me a 'what the hell, no" look.
"Noo! I have no interest in her" he replied.
"Then why do you look so excited?" I asked.
"Because I'm more interested in how this will turn out between you two" he replied, his eyes sparkling.
I just sighed and went ahead for classroom.

After school, I left the Student Council room heading to the Library because Jimin wouldn't stop asking questions about the mystery girl. I have alot of thoughts as is, I don't want to amplify it. Upon entering the Library I looked around to find the notice boards lined up. The notice boards had all the announcements and rules and regulations pinned.
I nodded, satisfied that they are following the orders from the Council. The Librarian volunteer bowed when she saw me and I nodded glancing in her direction momentarily.

I flipped through the books in hopes of finding something that would catch my eye. I placed the book back in the shelf and turned around to see a girl standing and reading a book with an interesting cover.
I stopped on my tracks, staring at the book in her hands intently, wondering if I should ask what book it is.

"I'm sorry but do you need something?" I blinked and realised I zoned out. It must have appeared as though I'm staring at her.
"I apologise, I was just wondering what book you were reading" I replied and she frantically turned to see the cover page. I raised my brow.
"You don't know what book you are reading yourself?"
"Ah! No no, I just got so engrossed I forgot the name. I do know that it's mystery thriller" She replied laughing it off.

"Excuse me..." The Librarian volunteer stepped in and we turned to her.
"Please keep it down" she said and we bowed as to apologise.
"I'm sorry" The girl said and the volunteer nodded. When she left the girl breathed out in relief. I scolded myself for being carried away. I need to maintain my image as the President. I turned to her, stared into her eyes then shifted my gaze back to the book she was holding. She looked back and forth before handing it to me. I scanned the back of the book for a brief summary. The book seemed interesting so I looked up to thank the girl but she was then nowhere to be seen.

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