Chapter : The Wait Is Over

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"I m finally brave enough to leave the note on your locker rather than sliding it in through that small space"


"D-DAY!!!! Please open your locker for the thing I was preparing :D"

- your dear hubae~

I was early today, and I'm glad I was. Someone might have read the note or thrown it away had I not been early.
Upon reading the note I quickly opened my locker, stuck the sticky note at the back of the locker like I always do and started looking for any postcard.

There was none. There were just envelopes. I went through the names on the envelopes until something caught my eye. There was an envelope which had "your dear hubae" written at the bottom right corner. I was a bit surprised. She has never used envelopes before. It wasn't sealed luckily. I opened the flap to find a postcard, another note inside along with a small plastic self adhesive pouch decorated with small stickers on it. I took out the plastic pouch to see something like a bracelet. I then took out the postcard to read.

"I hope you saw the ziplock pouch before reading the postcard. I hope you like the bracelet. And in case you are wondering, 'why she has given me a bracelet? It took half a week for her to buy this?' No, it's handmade :D
I made it myself. I have always wanted to gift you something handmade but couldn't think of anything....
I first thought of giving you chocolates, because I have noticed seonbae has a sweet tooth ;)

But I thought you will throw it right away, because many girls are gross, they put hair in there and that's just something I wouldn't do of course but you wouldn't know that"


"And then I came across this beginner's kit in a store. I originally bought it for myself but then one day I saw how seonbae likes to adorn ornaments. You wear earrings, you also seem to like small pendants and thin bracelets. So then I came up with an idea to make you a bracelet myself. It is by far my best design and the one done with utmost precision. I chose the decorative items carefully according to how you appear to me :D
So whatever you see in it, is a part of my observation of seonbae....
If it's not too much to ask, if you like it, please wear it. I would be delighted to see you wearing it. But if you don't, seonbae doesn't have to feel forced to wear it just because it's a gift. I will take that as a sign and still be happy because you at least noticed my efforts ^^
Also read the little note I left in the envelope if you haven't already ( ╹▽╹ )"

- Your Dear Hubae~

I took out the tiny note she was talking about at the end.

You remind me of the Moon
A beautiful white figure over a curtain of a night sky.....
You are cold and beautiful and mysterious
Just like the moon....
Your illumination is dim, because you do not like attention
But still end up drawing many towards you
Because you are cold and beautiful and mysterious
Just like the moon...

After reading the note, I set it aside in my locker. I opened the ziplock pouch and took out the bracelet. It was a thin string of metal decorated with stars. Some a little big, others small. The stars were like small metal frames with hues of navy blue, black and white in the middle. At the end of the clasp, hung a beautiful crescent moon. I was mesmerized. It was a beautiful bracelet. On top of that it was hand made. She made it herself, investing her time and money into this.

I felt so special. I have never felt this way before. I put the postcards and the small note back in the envelope and left it inside the locker. I clasped the bracelet to my left wrist while on my way to the classroom.

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