Chapter 8 : The Wait is Over (Part•II)

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During lunch, I quickly stopped by the locker room to fetch the envelope to show it to my friends. After having our meal served we went to sit on the picnic bench and table on the sides of the outdoor basketball ground. A while after settling down, I unclipped the bracelet and placed it before them.

"What is this?" Jina said raising her brows
"A new bracelet you bought?" Jungkook scratched the back of his neck while Jimin took the bracelet in his palm.
"Taehyung, I didn't know you were the type to brag about anything new you got" He said looking at me then back at the bracelet.
I sighed. "It's not any bracelet I bought, this is the gift she gave me" I replied taking a spoonful of food.
"What!? She was buying this? I mean it's pretty but she said she was preparing something?" Jina clicked her tongue.
"It is. She 'prepared' it. This bracelet is purely hand-made" I said, my lips tugging up in a smile as if to show off. Within seconds, all of them went "WHATTT".

Now the tossing about of the bracelet turned into a 'handle with care'. They all took it in their hands one by one, gently and their eyes gleamed.
"Uh okay, it's for me, not for you guys" I said taking it and clipping it back on. I took out the envelope and put it on the table. It was snatched right off the table as soon as I put it down. It was so fun to see their reactions while they read everything. I just continued to eat my lunch.

"You lucky bastard" Jina said as she gently put the small note back into the envelope.
"Hyung, how are you even calm about this, I would have died out of curiosity as to who is it by now" Jungkook said staring at the envelope. He looked as though he would zone out any minute now. But he wasn't alone. Jimin was just as dazed.

"I never said I'm not" I replied and they all turned their head towards me in sync.
"I'm curious about her, and I want to know who she is. And I certainly would find out...." I replied.

The bell rang indicating that the lunch hours are over now. We made our way to the dining hall to put all our dirty utensils in the bin. After doing so, I decided to stop by for a can of cola.

My friends bickered about things of here and there and I just chuckled looking around to catch a glimpse of them arguing over something behind me. I turned back around to face the vending machine when a girl from my periphery vision caught my eyes. She was walking towards the corridor with her friends leading back to where classrooms were. She was staring. But it wasn't me. It was the bracelet I was wearing. She was staring at the bracelet. Then she smiled warmly. I glanced at my bracelet then back to her. That's when our eyes met and she became conscious. And she frantically averted her eyes. I raised my brow finding this very suspicious. Is she.....

"Taehyung you done?" Jimin asked me snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah let's go" I replied as I bent down to get my cola from vending machine.


"So you gave him the bracelet you have been making?" Haeun asked reaching for some radishes from Minji's plate.
"Hey!!" I nodded while Minji snapped at Haeun gritting her teeth at her.
"Oh yeah? So now how are we gonna know he liked it?" Haeun and Minji were now fighting with chopsticks as their swords.
"I wrote in my postcard that if he likes it, I would want him to wear it. Of course, no pressure, only if he likes it" I replied putting together some kimchi with my rice.
"So we just have to look out for him and see if he is wearing it?" She asked turning to me and I just nodded. We all were actually kind of nervous. Would he throw it away? Would he keep it out of pity? Which one will it be? Those kind of thoughts swirled in our minds and I knew it.

We finished our lunch and got up to go the dining hall to put our plates in the bin. As we stepped out of there, I saw Taehyung seonbae and his friends standing in front of the vending machine. His friends were bickering and annoying each other and seonbae was.....laughing. That had quite the effect on my heart because he rarely smiles.
"Don't be swayed Y/n, we need to get back to class" Haeun whispered to me and I nodded pulling myself together.

We pass by them and I let my eyes search for the bracelet. I first looked at his right hand wrist. Nothing there. I tried to look for his other hand but he was surrounded. Suddenly he raised his left hand to press the button on the vending machine. And there was something dangling on his wrist. A familiar thin string of metal.
Small star frames with dark navy blue shades mixed with raven black and white. With a crescent moon at the end. My heart picked up it's pace and I couldn't help but smile. He liked it.
He is wearing it. I thought as heat climbed up my cheeks.

My gaze shifted from his hand to his face and I saw he was looking at me. Our eyes met for a solid 2 seconds and inside my brain, I went into full panic mode. I averted my eyes rather abruptly and I'm sure he would have found it unusual. Argh, I should have just turned around and walked away after I saw he was wearing it!

"Taehyung you done?" I heard Jimin seonbae's voice echoing in the corridor snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah let's go" that was the last thing I heard before turning around the corner.

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