"Day 2"

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There's 5 days remaining before the Christmas ball...

It's the morning after and Maddie is the first to wake up. She gets up and goes to make a coffee when she sees Eddie and Buck snuggled up together on the couch. She stays as quiet as possible, gets ready for work and leaves. Soon after Buck wakes up. He notices Eddie still laid on top of him and runs his hand through Eddies hair, massaging his head. Eddie wakes up to this but doesn't let Buck notice as he wanted that moment to last forever. About 10 minutes pass and Buck needs to get up. He slides himself from under Eddie who has fell back to sleep and makes 2 coffees. Buck walks back over with the coffees and carefully places them on the coffee table. "Eddie, time to get up" Buck says softly.

"How did I end up on here?" Eddie asks wondering what Bucks response will be.

Buck gulps. "Uhm. I ended up taking up your offer and I slept in the spare bed".

"Oh, alright" Eddie replies fully knowing that's literally the opposite of what happened.

"Yeah, would you like to put the Christmas Decs up with me today?" Buck asks in an attempt to move on from the previous conversation.

"Sure, not like I have a choice." Eddie giggles.

"Haha, well I'll go and get the tree and you can just make some room for it in that corner". Buck replies.

20 minutes pass and Buck has gotten the decorations out of the attic. Eddie starts bringing them down the stairs and they start to decorate. They play Christmas music and laugh and giggle the whole time. It's time for the topper on the tree. Buck gets onto the step ladder and the top step breaks. He loses his balance but luckily Eddie catches him. They look into each other's eyes making Eddie weak. He places Buck down wishing it would all happen again just so he could hold him in his arms.

"Great, how am I meant to get the star on the tree now" Buck huffs.

Eddie offers Buck "Go stand on the chair, you can get on my shoulders".

Buck has no second thought and excitedly rushes towards the chair looking like a little kid at Christmas. Eddie follows and Buck climbs onto his shoulders. He carries Buck over and he places the star on the tree. A smile forms on both of their faces and their faces light up. Eddie walks back over to the chair and sits down with Buck still on his shoulders.

"Hey, do you want to talk about anything" Buck asks whilst pulling tinsel out of Eddies hair.

"Honestly, I'm fine, right now this is the happiest I have been in a while. I'm just struggling with something right now; it's making me feel like. Doesn't matter" Tears consume Eddies eyes as he tries to contain them.

Buck notices the sadness overcoming Eddie "I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought it up. How about we go for a walk or something, maybe get some food whilst we're out."

"Yeah, I could do with some air" Eddie sniffles managing to contain his feelings. For now.

They get their shoes on and walk down to the local cafe. They sit down and go to order some dinner. The waitress comes over. "What do you two lovelies want today?"

"I'll just get a sausage sandwich, uhm what would you like Eddie?" Buck replies

"I'm not hungry" Eddie replies

"Come on Eddie you've barely been eating lately" Buck worries. Eddie looks at him and sighs knowing that he's right.

"I know, I'll have something later at home" Eddie lies.

"No, make that 2 sausage sandwiches" Buck replies.

"Alright, any beverages?" The waitress replies whilst writing down their order.

"Yeah, 2 lattes" Buck replies whilst looking worryingly into Eddies eyes.

"Alright, and who will be paying today?" The waitress asks.

Both Buck and Eddie shout "I am!"

Buck pulls his wallet out and hands her cash demanding she keeps the change as a tip. She walks away and says, "Thank you, your order will be ready soon".

30 minutes pass and Buck is finishing his sandwich whilst Eddie is just picking at his.

"Come on Eddie, you've got to eat something. For me, please" Buck begs as he wipes the grease off of his lips.

"I told you I'm not hungry. I've drank my latte though" Eddie sighs.

"Well, we will get it to take out and you can eat it later" Buck demands.

They get up and leave to go shopping for a few hours. They head off back home and Buck offers Eddie to stay the night. He doesn't take the offer so Buck drops him back off at his house. Eddies goes to get out of the car when Buck says, "Just promise me you'll eat something before going to bed". Eddie thanks Buck and heads off into his house. He lays down on his couch and cuddles up to the blanket that Buck uses when he sleeps around at Eddies. He looks at the time and drifts off. Buck arrives at his house and struggles to sleep without Eddies Prescence.

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