"Day 3"

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4 days left until the Christmas Ball...

Eddie wakes up still clinging on to the blanket that smells like Buck. He sits up to check the time, his screen shows '10:20AM' he had slept through his alarms. Eddie's now running 2 hours late for work, but he just lays back down and stares at the ceiling. His body feeling weak from the lack of food. 'I'll just take the day off' he mutters to himself. He grabs the half empty bottle of vodka from under the table and begins to drink it. 30 minutes later he gets up and grabs some more.

Meanwhile at the Fire House...

"Hey Cap, is Eddie meant to be in today?" Buck questions.

"Yeah, you not heard from him either." Bobby remarks with concern.

"No, have any of you guys?" Buck asks the rest of the team

Hen and Chim both shake their heads.

"I'm really worried for him. He won't talk to me about it, but he seemed completely fine when I dropped him off back home yesterday" Buck concerns.

"I'm sure he's fine Buck, how about you give him a call." Chim remarks.

"Yeah, I'll be back in a minute" Buck replies as he starts to dial Eddies number. A few missed calls later and Eddie finally picks up. "Finally, I was starting to wonder if you were still alive." Buck chuckles.

"Haha, Sadly I still am" Eddie whines.

"Eddie? Are you okay?" Buck begins to worry.

"No but I'm starting to feel better just hearing your voice" Eddie slurs

"Are you drunk?" Buck asks

"Maybe. Why are you calling?" Eddie questions

"Because you haven't shown up to work." Buck mentions

"There's no point. In work, or life, or love. Is there really a point in anything?" Eddie weeps whilst putting Buck on speaker who can now hear Eddie pouring another glass.

"Hey, I'm going to get someone to cover for me and I'll be right over" Buck remarks

"No, you can't see me like this." Eddie replies and then hangs up the phone.

"Hey cap, you got to get someone to cover for me. I think Eddie's in trouble!" Buck shouts as he runs out of the fire house.

Buck goes to get into his car when he sees Athena pull into the parking lot. "Hey, Athena can you get me to Eddies. It's an emergency"

"Yeah of course" Athena replies.

They get into her car, and she turns her sirens on. It begins to rain hard. A 15-minute drive only took 5. "Hey Athena, I can take it from here. You can go if you want".

"You sure Buckley?"

"Yeah, I've got to go" Buck replies. He gets out of the car and runs into Eddies house almost slipping on the way in. "Eddie!" Buck shouts. "Where are you?" Eddie then stumbles from around the corner into the living room with a bottle of almost empty beer in his hand. "Oh, heyyy Buck" Eddie slurs.

"Woahhh" Buck approaches Eddie. "How about I take that, and we go sit down" Buck takes the beer out of Eddies hands and grabs them. "You're cold and wet" Eddie chuckles and follows up with "I'm fine, I can walk myse-" Before Eddie can finish, he collapses down to the ground.

"Eddie, oh my god" Buck freaks out but tries to remain calm. He shakes Eddie in hopes he would wake up, but he doesn't. He grabs his wrist to check his pulse, it's still there but it's rapid. He sighs in relief but knows he needs to get Eddie help. He picks up his phone and dials 911.

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