"Day 7"

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It's the day of the Christmas Ball...Christmas Day...

Eddie wakes up to Buck laid on top of him snuggling him. He notices Buck is actually awake running his fingers up and down Eddies arm soothingly. Eddie notices Buck looking sad "Hey Buck" Eddie startles him.

"Oh, Morning Eddie, I didn't realize you were awake, sorry" Buck says as he begins to sit up.

"No, come back, please, Evan" Eddie looks at him with his adoring brown puppy dog eyes.

Buck's heart beats faster when he hears Eddie call him 'Evan'. It shocks him every time. Eddie tugs his shirt as Buck begins to lay back down on him. "You've been so busy looking after me and asking me how I feel that I haven't had time to ask you how you feel" Eddie sighs.

"I'm alright" Buck replies

"I don't think you are Buckley, come on, what's wrong, I can tell when you're lying you know" Eddie chuckles

"It's just been stressful; I can't help but think about you and how you are. I want to make you happy, you deserve to be" Buck tears up but holds it back.

"I know. It's okay. I'm getting better and going therapy later" Eddie lies so Buck doesn't suspect anything.

"I know, I'm so happy for you. I just wish... Wait" Buck checks his phone

"Omg! How could I forget. Merry Christmas Eddie" Buck says excitedly as he hugs Eddie.

Eddie hugs him back wishing he could kiss him right now. They pull away and look into each other's eyes. "Hey, I uhm, got you a present" Buck smiles.

"You didn't have to B-" "It's nothing special, it was kind of rushed" Buck cuts him off as he hands Eddie his present from under the tree.

Eddie begins to unwrap his present when he stops and looks at Buck with tears in his eyes. "This is so cute" Eddie cries happily. "Like I said it was rushed, do you like it?" Buck asks awkwardly.

"I love it" Eddie sobs.

"There's something else in there" Buck sits up excitedly but nervously.

Eddie unfolds the pride flag to see a picture in a frame of the both of them hugging each other that Hen had took a while back. He can't help the happy tears. He hugs Buck and whispers "Thank you for being here". Buck smiles and then Eddie pushes himself away.

"Uhm, I have got you a present but it's back at my place". Eddie lies knowing it's in his pocket.

"That's alright, we can pick it up when you want to" Buck smiles.

"The party starts at 4" Buck says excitedly as he reads his phone at '11:00AM'.

"What about you're date?" Buck questions

"I'm sure they'll understand" Eddie replies.

"Who was you're date anyways?" Buck smirks flirtatiously hoping Eddie would say he was lying the whole time.

"Doesn't matter" Eddie remarks knowing what Buck's trying to do. "How about we go for a walk, it's been snowing most of the night" Eddie says excitedly to try and distract Buck.

"Has it?" Buck looks out the window. "Yay, A White Christmas" He smiles at Eddie who now has a Santas hat on. He giggles.

"What? I hate when my ears are cold" Eddie chuckles as he pulls a matching hat from out of his bag. He walks over to Buck and puts the Christmas hat on him. They smile at each other as they go to get their warmer clothes on. 1-hour passes, and Buck comes downstairs in a Brown winter coat, Black jeans, White shoes and the Christmas hat Eddie put on him and some gloves. Eddie's wearing the Christmas hat, a black jacket with a checkered shirt underneath and some Black jeans with White shoes. They set off when Buck slows down as they enter the park. Eddie turns around when Buck shoves some snow in his face. He runs off knowing Eddie won't take this lightly and will get his revenge one way or another. He runs through the park when he loses track of Eddie. He takes a moment to breathe, leaning forward with his hands on his knees. He looks around when he sees Eddie running towards him. He reacts to late, and Eddie pushes him down into the snow. Buck, now fully laid on his back giggling in shock as Eddies laid on top of him, pinning his hands down to the ground. They look deeply at each other as they giggle like little kids. Eddie stands up and offer his hand to Buck. Buck sits up and takes his hand, Eddie pulls him up but then chucks Buck over his shoulder. "Hey, put me down, this isn't fair" Buck huffs trying to act serious but can't stop chuckling. "Oof, you're heavy, I need a break" They both laugh. Eddie walks over to a bench with Buck over his shoulder still. He sits down as buck slips onto his lap, looking each other in the eye, holding each other hips, the tension building and they both know it. Buck slides off of him and laughs it off. "I'm very cold now" he says as he shakes the snow off of himself. "Come here and I'll warm you up" Eddie says with a flirty smug smile on his face. Buck sits down next to Eddie and rest his head on his shoulder as Eddie wraps his arm around him. About 2 hours pass, they've had a snowball fight and made snow angels together. Buck realizes the time. "Awh, we better get back I've got an hour and a half before the ball" Buck sighs.

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