Episode 5: Rock Snake

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Brock: Nice, it seem you know your stuff when it comes to battling, but now get ready for my next pokemon, Onix!

Brock's pokeball flew threw the air and unleashed an massive Onix, it towers above Wart like a titan of mass distruction.

Leon: Wart! Switch with me!

Wart: Are you sure? It looks way stronger than even the both of us.

Leon: Don't worry, I got this!

They switched places and Leon tries to hit it with a metal claw but was swiftly swatted down by the snake's tail.

Leon: Dammit, I can't get close enough to hit it.

Brock: Alright Onix! Use rock tomb!

Leon is hit with the rock type move and begins to struggle. He tries to shoot off an ember but it does little to nothing.

Wart: Leon! Switch out with me you can't do this!

Leon: Nah, I'm taking down this snake if its the last thing I do!

Brock: I like your spirit kid, but I'll end this right now, Onix rock tomb again!

Rock fall from the sky but Leon was able to dodged the oncoming assault. Moving the fastest his body could take him and lands the metal claw. He was moving fast than the onix could attack a hits it over and over again with metal claw. Even then he's thrown by the pokemon against a wall, struggling to get up.

Wart: Alright you can't keep going, switch with me!

But then Leon stood up and began to glow. His body starts to change as he spits out a purple fireball, taking out the Onix. He returns to normal and collapses on the ground.

Brock: Well done. I never though as a rock type specialist that my strongest pokemon would lose to a fire type but I've been shown otherwise. I'd like to reward you with the Boulder Badge.

They take the badge and return to Jim.

Jim: Great job on getting your first badge champs in the making! Your next stop is Cerulean City I won't be there to help but good luck.

They depart from Pewter City, now one step closer to become the Indigo League Champions.

Episode 5 End.

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