Episode 14: Seed

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Grunt: Drowzee! Hypnosis!

Otto was put to sleep, leaving only Una and Ivy. Ivy tries to slap her awake but it does nothing. Una uses String Shot, but the Drowzee just shakes them off.

Grunt: Use Confusion!

The super-effective attack blasted away Una, knocking her out. Now its only Ivy.

Grunt: I'll take back that nugget. Nobody disrespects Team Rocket and gets away with it! Now Drowzee, get rid of the girl with another Confusion!

The Pokemon strikes with another attack but just in time Otto wakes up and takes the attack, dealing massive damage.

Ivy: Otto! Are you okay?!

Otto: I'm fine, just get rid of that Drowzee so we can rest up.

Ivy: Okay then!

Ivy used Sleep Powder to put the Drowzee asleep. She then Uses Leech seed to drain its health.

Grunt: You think that'll work? I always keep awakenings on me. Drowzee get up!

The Drowzee arise and tries to use Confusion again, but is restricted by Ivy's Vine Whips.

Grunt: Drowzee! Break free!

But the Pokemon couldn't its body was completely tangled up. Ivy uses her whips to raise it in the air and slam it into the ground, knocking it out.

Grunt: No way! My Drowzee is in the top percentage of Drowzees!

Ivy: Yeah, yeah, bu-

Before she could finish, her body began to change, she grew and the bulb on her begins to bloom. She finally evolved into an Ivysaur.

Otto: Excellent! Now only Una and I need to evolve!

The grunt tries to sneak away but Ivy grabs him with her vines.

Ivy: Hey, Rocket Grunt, you got anymore nuggets?

They take 9 more nuggets from the grunt and go to grab Una but there's something wrong with her. She's still sleeping but she's producing her string from her hand and it's wrapping around her.

Otto: Oh! She's evolving!

Ivy: Wait what!?

Otto: Caterpie and Weedle Pokemen evolve differently than others. They sleep while wrap themselves with the strings they produce till they're fully covered. It take a full 24 hours to complete though.

Ivy: 24 hours? So now she 100% can't participate in the gym battle.

They return to Leon and Wart a few minutes later.


Leon: Alright! Good job you guys, I knew you guys would be fin-

Ivy puts him to sleep before he can finish.

Ivy: You two left us out to die! You left two poison types to fight a psychic type are you two trying to kill us!

Wart: We left you because we wanted you to learn how to deal with psychic Pokemon. Misty has a Starmie, a stronger and faster Pokemon than you are. We didn't leave, we just watched from the side.

Ivy: So you were just watching?!

Wart: Calm down. You use a strategy to close the skill gap between you and the Drowzee, and you were rewarded with an evolution. Misty still going to be tough but you need to learn that you need an air tight strategy to win.

Episode End.

Author's note: First my phone breaks one week then i get sick the next week. Some force doesn't want me to continue 😭

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