Episode 7: Tiny Bird 2

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As they rocket through the sky and hold on for dear life, they see as they shoot through the clouds and end up in a mystical land, the ground fluffy like an Arcanine's mane and as pure white as a Dewgong. They start to wonder the land looking for the spearow that stole their pokedex they're stopped by pidgeotto Pokemen in heavy armor.

Pidgeotto: Halt! What do you think your doing here? This land is for flying pokemon and flying pokemon only!

Wart: Hold on, relax. Were just here because something what taken from us and we want it back.

Pidgeotto: Hmm...fine once your returned whats rightfully yours, you will leave this place at once. Now, what did you lose and do you remember the culprit.

Wart: Thank you so much, a spearow to-

Leon: Found it!

Leon spots the spearow, pokedex it its mouth and starts to shoot embers its way. It knocked out the bird but also hit multiple houses and other structures, setting them on fire.

Pidgeotto: Stop! You think you can just come into our land and dstroy it?! Guards, restrain these fools and take them to the cells to await trial!

In the cells, our group sits waiting for them to be trailed while scolding Leon.

Una: We were so close to just having someone that knows this place help us find it, but nooo, you just had to go around starting fires trying to get it back.

Leon: Well its not my fault that this place is so flammable, fire-flying pokemon exist so why not fire proof the place?

As they argue they here footsteps and quiet whispering approaching.

???: Ottoka, what are you doing! They just set part of a city on fire, why ask them for help?!

???: They seem like their strong, they can help, just trust me.

It turns out to be a pidgey pokegirl and a spearow pokeboy talking with each other and they reach the cell.

Pidgey: Greeting, My name is Ottoka, and this is my brother, Aro, and we've come to ask for your help.

Aro: You idiot why tell these criminals our names! We don't need them we can just get the guards to do it.

Ottoka: The guards dont listen, we need strong people to sto-

Leon: Umm what's going on?

Ottoka: Oh sorry we haven't explained ourselves yet. We need you help to save this country. Rebels are going to attack they King and Queen during your trial and we want you to help stop them.

Leon: Hmm...we have what we came here for and we're being held here against our will, what's in it for us?

Ottoka: Well we are the prince and princess of this land and we can swing our parents decision to let you go free if you decide to help us.

Leon: Alright then, you got a deal Otto!

Episode 7 End.

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