Episode 16: Mouse

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As they begin to leave Cerulean City, the Pokedex beeps.


Una awakens in a slick, yellow, ninja-like suit of armor.

Wart: Why does everyone else have cool evolutions while I get wing ears...

Leon: It's okay, you'll still evolve one more time. But for now lets move on to next ci-

The Pokedex starts ringing and turns out to be Professor Oak calling.

Leon: The Pokedex can call!?

Oak: Save your praise for later, I need you to come back to my lab as soon as possible I need you to take something to a colleague.

Leon: Why can't you just send someone else were far from Pallet Town and can't backtrack from our adventure.

Oak: Please, I even have something for you to help you one your journey.

Leon: Hrm...sure give us like 3 days.

Una & Otto: Who's that?

Ivy: You'll see in 3 days

They start they're journey back to Pallet Town, pass Mt. Moon and Pewter City into Viridian Forest. They stop after seeing a Pikachu boy running away.

Pikachu boy: Help me please I'm being chased!

Leon: This feels familiar...

Wart: Yeah last time we saved a kid we almost got eaten.

Pikachu boy: Please just help m-

A Poison Sting flies at the boy but Una blocks it with her armored skin.

???: Una?

A group of Weedles kids emerge from the trees.

Weedle boy: Una were have you been!?

Una: I left to go challenge to Pokemon League.

Weedle girl: You can't just leave, he left us to deal with any problem in the forest.

Una: I don't want to stay in the forest I wanted to leave the forest for the longest time.

Weedle girl: You have responsibilities you can't just leave and he wouldn't let you.

Una: He hasn't been to the forest in a year! This was my only chance to get out!

Weedle boy: Then why come back?!

Una: My friends needed to go somewhere so I needed to go somewhere!
Wait, why are you attacking this kid?

Weedle boy: He knows things he shouldn't, and so do your friends now. Fre, Sleep Powder!

The Butterfree girl from their first trip through the forest puts all of them asleep. They wake up in a similar situation as last time, hanging from trees covered in String Shot string, only this time with 3 more hanging with them and no one to come save them.

Episode End.

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