Episode 21: Evolution

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They make it to Vermilion City and outside the house of the researcher Bill spoke of. They knock on they door, no answer. They push open the unlocked door and walk into the dark lab. Rai flicks on a light switch but it also activates a trap, an electric cage falling on the group. Before they can realize what just happened to them, a figure in a white lab coat and goggles walks into the room.

???: Hm? My plan actually work? Robbers are getting dumber and dumber everyday. But your perfect test subjects.

Rai: Hold on guys I got this.

Rai grabs the bars, absorbing the electricity and Leon melts the iron bars.

???: Ooo, nevermind, your some smart idiots!

Wart: Wait, we're here because of Bill!

???: Bill? Bill never told me he was sending me guest...

Wart: Here, he wanted use to give this to you.

The researcher slowly grabs the bag from Wart, slowly opening it...

???: Yes! Finally! If you're really here because of Bill, thank him for me please! I've been looking for one of these forever!

Rai: What is it?

???: You're a Pikachu, you don't know what a thunder stone is?

Rai: A thunder stone?

???: I gave you guys too much credit for just getting out of a simple trap...

Leon: Before you keep calling us stupid, mind introducing yourself?

???: Oh yeah, sorry idiots, I am the soon-to-be world renowned scientist, Eve!

Rai: Okay Eve, what's a thunder stone?

Eve: A thunder stone is an evolution item, and since I'm an Eevee Pokeman, I can use it to evolve!

Wart: You're an Eevee, why choose Jolteon as your evolution? Wouldn't it be smarter to evolve into Vaporeon?

Leon: No, Vaporeon's lame, Flareon is so much better!

Eve: Who said I was choosing? Here, take a look at this!

Eve pulls a device out of her pocket along with a fire stone and water stone. She loads the 3 stones into the device and put it on her wrist.

Eve: Watch this, my greatest creation, the fruits of my labor, the device that'll put me in the public's eye! Behold, idiots!

The device turns on and in a flash of light, Eve transforms into a Flareon.

Leon: See, of course she would turn into a Flareon.

Eve: No, no, no my little flaming idiot. Behold!

Another flash of light, and she turned into a Vaporeon, then another flash and she turned into a Jolteon.

Wart: What? Eevee's can't evolve into any of it's other forms after evolving.

Eve: That's what this device does my little wet idiot! I managed to find a way to evolve and devolve!

Episode End.

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