Episode 15: Mysterious

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They enter the gym and Wart deals with all the gym trainers so the girls are at 100% for their battle against Misty. Eventually they reach the gym leader.

Misty: Good job, you took out my gym trainers with ease, but I won't go down so easily. Go Psyduck!

Ivy: You got this Otto!

Otto charges at the duck with such speed it disorients it.

Misty: Ha, perfect! Now Psyduck, Confusion!

The Psyduck blast away Otto but she gets back up.

Misty: Zooming pass my Psyduck gave it a headache. The worst it's headaches are the stronger it's psychic powers.

Otto: Okay then, looks like I'll disable it a different way.

Otto uses Sand Attacks to blind her opponent while it sends of even stronger Confusions in random directions.

Otto: I'm getting tired now, MIRROR MOVE!

She copies Psyduck's Confusion and sends it flying, knocking it out. After the battle, Otto manages to reach her evolution into Pidgeotto.

Misty: Nice, but I still got my ace, Starmie!

Otto: Your up Ivy.

Before Ivy can even attack, the Starmie is behind her and tries to strike it with a Psybeam, but she dodges just in time. Ivy manages to get Leech Seeds on the Pokemon but is rids itself of  them with a Rapid Spin. She is blasted away but a Psybeam struggling to get up. She sprays a super potion on herself, knowing if she didn't get those nuggets so she wouldn't be able to win. She uses Razor Leaves to try and take out the star in a single attack but misses and is almost hit with another Psybeam. She throws out Leech Seeds again but Misty laughs.

Misty: Why waste your time with that again? Starmie, Rapid Spin!

The Starmie does so but doesn't realise the razor leaves at its feet and blows them around itself, dealing massive damage.

Misty: Wow, but my Starmie is still standing, now end this with a Psybe- What?!

The Starmie collapses on the ground before firing of the attack. Leaving Ivy with the win.

Misty: But how?!

Ivy: I didn't just send out normal Razor Leaves, but leaves covered with Poison Powder. The Rapid Spin did damage and poisoned your Starmie, with the poison taking it out.

Misty: Not only did I not realise the Razor Leaves at Starmie's feet but Poison Powder too? You deserve this badge after a strategy like that!

Two badges in their collection with 6 more to go. A long journey is a head of them on their quest to become the Indigo League Champion.

Episode End.

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