Episode 8: Triple Bird

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45 minutes till the trial, as Ottoka explains the plan

Otto: Okay, so the entire royal family is going to be at the trial, so that's probably when the rebels are going to attack.

Aro: Here's the keys to the locks for the shackles that'll be put on you to while you're taken to the grand courtroom. Don't unlock yourselves till the attack happens.

Leon: Alright, so what happens after that?

Aro: Relax, we're getting to that. So we want you to protect our parents while the guards help any civilians. Their probably after our family to over throw us so they can take over,  but I haven't the slightest clue as to why...

Otto: Yeah it's not like are parents are tyrants or wrongfully imprisoned anyone, it seem the general public really likes them.

Wart: Well we'll just have to find out later during the trial.

Later, the trial begins, as they're dragged out of their cell, eyes blinded by the bright and angelic lights of the courtroom. Up at the stands are Otto, Aro, and the king and queen of sky island. The trial begins and the second the gavel hits the sound block, a explosion is hear just outside the courtroom. Then another destroys  one of the pillars supporting the building.

Queen: What is the meaning of this?! You, are you the ones who caused this?! First you try to burn down one of our cities, now your trying to destroy this sacred court! Once we're able to find any other bombs, you'll be sentenced to dea-

Before she could finish, three orbs fly toward the family. But Leon, Wart, and Ivy manage to take the hits for the family instead.

Leon: You can sentence us later, for now just get out of here, Una, help them escape!

As the family starts their escape, the culprits walk in, an army of Doduos lead by a Dodrio pokeman and a Farfetch'd pokeboy.

Dodrio: Arfet, get rid of these kids, I'll go after the family.

The Farfech'd rushes at them but is grabbed by Ivy's vines. He cuts the vines but is hit with a stun spore from Ivy. During this, Otto stops to yell at the guards.

Otto: All of you, I need you to go support the people fighting to protected us! Help them fight of those Doduos!

King: What are you doing Ottoka? Those are criminals down there and you want our guards to help them? They might be conspiring with those terrorist!

Aro: They just saved us and you still consider them criminals? They're strong and they can save this country!

Una: You can argue after I get you away from here!

Leon and Wart charge at the Doduos but are stopped by the Pidgeotto guard from earlier.

Pidgeotto: Stand back, we can easily handle these weak Doduos, I want you to go and stop the Dodrio. Princess Ottoka and Prince Aro seem to have faith in you so you better not disappoint.

Episode End.

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