Chapter One

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Waterpaw rose to her paws, and stretched out her limbs, yawning. She peered outside the medicine den and saw the sun beginning to rise. She shook out her fluff from her fur and padded to the entrance, looking up at the orange sky. It filled the world, and made everything below, glow a pretty orange. She looked around camp and some warriors were starting to stir. Tigerclaw was the first to rise and padded to Bluestar, whispering something in her ear. His tail was flicking urgently like he was telling her something rather important. 

Whitestorm then padded outside of the warriors' den and looked at the two newly warriors sitting vigil. "Glad to see the dawn you two?" He meowed, deeply. Fireheart looked at him, but didn't speak. Graystripe, sitting beside him, was still looking at the orange horizon. "You may speak now, your vigil is over." Mewed the white tom.

"Brrrr!" Was the gray warrior's first words.

"The great warrior speaks!" Mewed a voice behind Fireheart. Fireheart turned and saw Sandpaw emerging from the apprentices' den. Her tail flicked, impatiently as she neared the two new warriors. 

Tigerclaw then padded up to them and looked over to Sandpaw, and Dustpaw emerge up behind her. "Get something from the fresh-kill pile, then get some sleep." He meowed, his voice rather harsh. He then looked at Sandpaw and Dustpaw. "You two, get going with your mentors. You still have training to be done."

Waterpaw sighed at the sight of Tigerclaw's harsh tone. He definitely enjoyed being deputy. Who knows, before long, he might be trying to get to be leader and kill Bluestar. She also felt bad for Sandpaw and Dustpaw. They probably felt jealous of Fireheart and Graystripe, them being younger and all.

"Hey, Waterpaw! Wake up!"

Waterpaw quickly turned her head to see Yellowfang staring at her with anger. Waterpaw's eyes were wide; she was deep in thought. "Oh, uh sorry, Yellowfang." She mewed as she followed her back into the medicine den. 

Yellowfang padded to the herb store and twitched her tail, angrily. "Now, tell me, what are these herbs treated for?" She pushed a few herbs close to Waterpaw.

Waterpaw knew the herbs. She knew most of them by heart. With Spottedleaf gone, she felt like she didn't belong and began failing in remembering the herbs. She looked down and immediately recognized a small bush of flowers resembling daisies. She sniffed it and wrinkled her nose. It smelled tangy and made her eyes water with disgust. She couldn't imagine having to eat it. "Goldenrod?" She mewed, looking up at Yellowfang.

Yellowfang sat down with a loud thud and sighed. "No. Goldenrod is yellow and is a big flower. Try again."

Waterpaw closed her eyes in frustration and tried to regain her memory. She opened them and looked at the wad again. "Daisy?" She looked up again, hoping she was right.

"Waterpaw, you know these plants. Try one more time."

"I know...I'm sorry, Yellowfang." She mewed, hanging her head down low, "I just really miss..." She couldn't bring herself to say Spottedleaf and hurt Yellowfang's feelings.

Yellowfang's eyes softened and padded to Waterpaw, putting her tail on her flank. "I know." She purred. "You'll get back into it."

Waterpaw held her breath from the stench of Yellowfang's old and stinky breath. Yellowfang a tail-length away and sat down, looking at Waterpaw. "Now again."

She looked back at the herb and sniffed it one more time. More than one herbs smelled tangy, but only two smelled like a bad tang. Daisy smelled just like this, she tried to think of what the small daisies were called that grew on this bush. "Feverfew!" She finally meowed, louder than she had expected. 

Yellowfang dipped her head and purred. "Finally. Now what does it do?"

"Feverfew is good for reducing body temperature, fever or chills. Also heals aches and pains, especially good for headaches."

Yellowfang nodded with approval. Waterpaw purred with happiness. Maybe she was going to do better after all. Yellowfang was no pretty she-cat, but she was wise in what she did. 

"Yellowfang." Meowed a deep voice.

Yellowfang turned her head to the medicine den entrance. A large brown tabby tom stood tall, his tail raised high.

"Tigerclaw," She rasped. "What can I do for you?" She seemed rather tense. Tigerclaw did not like Yellowfang. He wanted to kill her because he thought that she was the one who took the kits and killed Spottedleaf. Luckily he was wrong, but he still seemed hostile towards the old she-cat. 

"Bluestar has lost too many lives recently. She has only five left, and I want to insure that she doesn't lose anymore."

Yellowfang looked at him, suspiciously. "Is she sick?"

"No," Growled Tigerclaw, "I just want some herbs to keep her healthy."

"I do not have the herbs to keep a cat healthy, Tigerclaw. I only treat sick cats. When she needs specific herbs, then I will treat her."

Waterpaw was shocked as to how Yellowfang spoke to Tigerclaw. She was calm, but ready to fight him if need be. Tigerclaw lashed his tail to and fro, vigorously. He stalked away. 

Yellowfang flared her nostrils and looked at Waterpaw, hate glaring in her eyes. Waterpaw knew better than to talk. Better to let Yellowfang cool down. She padded to the back of the den and began sorting the herbs she knew for sure were right. Yellowfang padded beside her and glanced at the herb piles. "Good." She mewed, calmly. She sat beside her and began sorting the ones that Waterpaw did not know. She made sure to keep them separate to help Waterpaw know them later. 

"Are we going to the Gathering tonight?" Asked Waterpaw, shuffling her paws in awkwardness.

Yellowfang didn't look up. "Yes." She shoved a pile of herbs close to Waterpaw with her paw. "Sort these."

Waterpaw looked up at Yellowfang. "Can you remind me which is what?"

Yellowfang sighed, as if she was asking too much of her, then sat closer to Waterpaw, looking down at the herb pile. "This one," She pointed to a small, thick leaf, "is thyme. It is used for calming. It's very similar to another plant. You know which one that is?" She looked up at Waterpaw with soft eyes.

Waterpaw knew the herb she was talking about, but couldn't remember the name. Then she blurted out the name, hoping it was right, "Rosemary!"

Yellowfang nodded with satisfaction, then pawed another pile close to Waterpaw. 

Waterpaw practiced all day with her herbs. She was getting better as the day went on. Her mind began to get sharper, and she could now know the difference in smell as well as sight. Many of the herbs did look similar. Once Yellowfang felt satisfied enough to stop, it was time to start getting ready for the Gathering. "Get something from the fresh-kill pile." Mewed Yellowfang.

Waterpaw swiftly nodded, then bounded off towards the pile of prey. She looked back at Yellowfang. She seemed sad, but happy to be in ThunderClan. She was probably worried what ShadowClan would think of her being the new ThunderClan medicine cat. She looked back at the pile and chose a small mouse, then decided to grab another mouse for Yellowfang. She didn't eat at all today either; she must be hungry!

Bluestar padded out into the clearing. She was the last to appear, alongside Fireheart. Waterpaw sat with her tail wrapped around her front paws. She was excited for the Gathering, but then a sad memory clouded her thoughts. What if Littlepaw was there? He was fighting with Waterpaw when Spottedleaf was killed. Waterpaw then became sad, thinking of Spottedleaf once more. 

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