Chapter Nine

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At the Gathering, the cats were rather quiet and distant from one another. They kept within their own Clans and just waited for their leaders to begin. Waterpaw was relieved that she didn't have to sit near the medicine cats. Instead, she was sitting next to Whitestorm and Fireheart. Fireheart seemed sad that his best friend didn't come to the Gathering, but Waterpaw could see that he was hiding something else. She didn't bombard him with many questions, but she was curious as to why he was sad these past few days. "Are you alright, Fireheart?" She asked, softly.

Fireheart sighed, but didn't turn his head to look at Waterpaw. "I am fine." He replied, gingerly. 

Waterpaw flinched from his emotions in his response and didn't press for any more questions even though she itched to ask more. His former apprentice was crippled for life and his best friend seemed to be no longer present in camp beside him. Waterpaw guessed that something happened between them. Fireheart has been taking on a lot of Graystripe's duties in taking care of his apprentice, Brackenpaw. 

Waterpaw's thoughts were interrupted by Tallstar's call for the meeting to begin. Waterpaw sighed and tucked in her tail over her front paws. She enjoyed the Gathering most nights, but for quite a few moons now, there seems to be only hostility within all four Clans. When WindClan was driven out by Brokenstar, there was a lot of quarrels. With them back, it hasn't changed. They're still all mad as ever, especially ShadowClan, but that didn't shock anyone. ShadowClan was always angry with the others.

Nightpelt stood up straight and padded forward on the branch. The tip of his tail twitched angrily. "ShadowClan is doing alright." He began. "Leaf-bare is coming upon us quickly and I suspect that you all know what that means. More hungry mouths to feed."

Crookedstar shot up to his paws and glared angrily at him and narrowed his eyes. "I know what you're what you're going to say, Nightpelt." He hissed. 

Nightpelt looked back at the huge light gray tom.

"We will not be sharing our territories. We have them for a reason." Crookedstar growled.

Nightpelt narrowed his eyes. "I wasn't going to say that." He hissed.

"Sure you weren't." Crookedstar rolled his eyes and flicked his tail, angrily. 

Bluestar stepped between them. "Must ThunderClan always resolve the fights?" She growled, softly. "Now, continue this Gathering and get it over with." She added, crossly.

Waterpaw flinched at Bluestar growling, but she was glad that she, too, wanted the Gathering to end. 

The rest of the Gathering was more quarrels and Bluestar stepping in to separate them. Nightpelt was a fighter, but he dared not to challenge anyone at a truce. The Gathering finally ended, which seemed like forever. Waterpaw quickly padded beside Fireheart, hoping to not be noticed by any other clan cats. She got to the hill and her fur flattened again. She was safe and she trekked with the rest of her clanmates back to camp. 

Waterpaw was starving. She had forgotten to eat at dawn and before the Gathering. She could hear her stomach growling the whole way home. She and the others reached camp. Bluestar seemed to be completely cured, but Waterpaw padded up to her and made sure she was set for the rest of the day. Bluestar politely told her that she was okay and pushed away any herbs that Waterpaw offered her.

Yellowfang was pacing back and forth as Waterpaw neared the medicine den. She noticed Yellowfang pacing and stopped at the entrance. She looked around, then back at Yellowfang. There was nothing suspicious about the medicine den, so why was Yellowfang so riled up?

"Oh, hi Waterpaw." She rasped, still pacing.

"W-why are you pacing?" Waterpaw couldn't hold back her weariness.

Yellowfang stopped then looked up at Waterpaw with wide eyes. "I think that I have a sign from StarClan, but I have no idea what it means."

Waterpaw stayed silent, but didn't take her weary gaze off Yellowfang.

Yellowfang continued. "It was a message from Spottedleaf. She said that fire alone with save our clan." She shook her head, slowly and closed her eyes, deep in though. "How can fire save us? It just can't be right."

Waterpaw looked down at her paw then back up at Yellowfang. "I know." She finally meowed, "Spottedleaf has told me that as well."


"When she was still living." She looked down with sorrow.

"Do you know?" Yellowfang questioned.

"Anything about it?" Waterpaw finished Yellowfang's thoughts.

Yellowfang nodded slowly.

Waterpaw hesitated, then meowed. "Yes. I have a slight idea on how it will save us." She turned and faced the clearing, scanning for a particular cat. She stopped her gaze on a flame-colored tom. "Fire will save us. StarClan wants me to tell him that he is the one that can save our Clan from all the treacheries."

Yellowfang followed her gaze and widened her eyes. "Fireheart can't possibly save us. He is barely a warrior." 

Waterpaw turned to Yellowfang. "StarClan trusts him, therefore I do."

"How long have you known?"

"Not too long." Replied Waterpaw padding into the den and by the herb store. Yellowfang didn't respond. She had no idea what to say or do. If Waterpaw knows what she is doing, then perhaps I should let her. StarClan must have told her for a reason. Yellowfang padded to the small pool and dipped a leaf to fill up with water. "Here, Swiftpaw, drink this." She urged the small black-and-white tom.

The small tom nodded his head and took a few laps from the leaf. It was cold, but feel good in his throat. Waterpaw did the same with Cinderpaw. Her throat was beginning to get dry from eating so many poppy seeds. Yellowfang padded to Cinderpaw. "Can you try and sit up?" She asked, prodding her front legs.

Cinderpaw nodded. She was weak, but didn't want to become completely useless. She was strong-willed and Waterpaw knew she would recover if they worked with her every day. Cinderpaw tried to heave herself up on her front paws, but lifting up her chest. She was able to stand on her front paws for a few seconds, then collapsed back down. 

"How do you feel?" Asked Waterpaw.

Cinderpaw felt tired, but didn't want them to know. "I feel great!" She lied. "I will walk again!"

Waterpaw hoped she was right. "Well, we'll practice everyday and you'll be doing just that in no time."

Yellowfang looked down at the gray apprentice. She pitied her, knowing that she could never be a warrior. She would be known as the crippled cat and put into the elder's den. Waterpaw could tell Yellowfang was looking down on Cinderpaw with sadness in her eyes. Yellowfang didn't trust Cinderpaw could do it. Or worse, she didn't trust them, that they could cure her.

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