Chapter Seven

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Bluestar's sides were heaving. She was not doing good and her fever got worse. Her whitecough became greencough in almost a matter of hours. Waterpaw was summoned by Yellowfang to sit with her and she had a small pile of catmint next to her. Bluestar refused to take any more help. If she continued this stubbornness, she surely would lose a life. Yellowfang was out and about treating any other cats that got sick. Luckily not many others were catching Bluestar's. They kept her neatly tucked away in her den and forbid anyone coming up. 

Waterpaw just kept her company now by laying down next her. Her paws neatly tucked under her chest. She closed her eyes a few seconds, then she opened them, listening to Bluestar's breathing. "Fireheart. Bring me Fireheart." She whispered, almost too soft for Waterpaw to hear.

Waterpaw was going to respond, to tell her that he shouldn't come see her till she's better, then she was interrupted by someone outside the den.

"Bluestar!" Meowed a voice from below the den. Waterpaw sniffed the air. It was Darkstripe. 

"Bluestar is ill." She growled. "You mustn't come in."

She heard the warrior walk away and she sighed with relief. She couldn't bare anymore sickness in the camp. It was hard enough watching her own leader lying there almost motionless. Waterpaw smelled the air again. It wreaked of sickness and death. She quickly shot up to her paws and put her nose to Bluestar's side. Bluestar stopped breathing. She was in the paws of StarClan. She has lost her eighth life and has only one more left. 

"Hurry, get Yellowfang!" Waterpaw heard a warrior call out from the clearing. She padded out and saw Fireheart carrying a lifeless body in his jaws. Waterpaw froze in horror. Did Fireheart kill an apprentice? No, he couldn't have done so. She slashed her tail her to and fro, frantically. Bad omens were coming to ThunderClan. Waterpaw's heart began to race. She felt like she was going to faint. She tried to call out to someone to let them know that Bluestar has died, but nothing came out. She was still shocked from all what was going on at once. 

Yellowfang shot out of the medicine den and raced to Fireheart's side. "What happened?" She meowed, in horror.

Fireheart gently laid the body down and looked up at Yellowfang with sadness in his eyes. "A monster did this." He meowed, looking down at his apprentice's body. "She strayed too close to the thunderpath."

Yellowfang picked her up by the scruff and carried her to the medicine den. 

"Fireheart!" She yowled across the clearing.

Fireheart pricked up his ears and looked at Waterpaw, curiously.

"Bluestar would like to see you." She meowed, hopping down from the ledge. She put her paw on his. "Be careful. She is very ill. There is nothing we can do now, but wait."

Fireheart nodded then padded up to her den. He had no idea what she meant, but he would soon find out when he reached her. Waterpaw padded to the medicine Yellowfang. She whispered in her ear saying that Bluestar has lost another life. Sadness clouded Yellowfang's eyes as she tried to tend to the gray apprentice. Waterpaw looked down at the gray she-cat. It was Cinderpaw. Her back leg was glistening with blood and she laid still. Cinderpaw can't be dead!  She sniffed her body. She was breathing, but just barely. Most of it was from pain and shock. 

Waterpaw trekked to the clearing and looked around for big sticks to take back to the den. It would straighten Cinderpaw's leg. She found a few okay ones and decided it had to be good enough. She set by Cinderpaw's leg and tried to rearrange it to help mend her joints. Her leg was twisted and she had to try and untwist it. She took some cobweb and wrapped her leg around the stick to keep it together while stopping the bleeding. Cinderpaw cried with pain and shrieked as she lifted her leg and put it back down. Waterpaw didn't wince as she did so. She kept her cool.

Yellowfang padded close to Waterpaw. "I must go check on Bluestar. She might still need something after her loss of life." She rasped. She then padded to Bluestar's den. Waterpaw watched her silence, then drifted her gaze to Cinderpaw's body. Her leg was still twisted in a weird way and she didn't know if she to ever get better.

Frostfur raced into the den. "My kit!" She exclaimed.

Waterpaw tried to calm her, but Frostfur pushed her away. After a few long moments, Frostfur looked up at Waterpaw. "Will Cinderpaw get better?"

Waterpaw looked down at her paws and shuffled them awkwardly. "I-I." She stuttered, shaking trying to spit out the words she knew Frostfur didn't want to hear. To her relief, Yellowfang padded back inside the den. 

"I'm afraid she won't." She rasped, sadly. "Her leg is badly broken and she is hurting inside a lot. I don't see anything else broken, but she is severely injured." She looked into Frostfur's icy blue eyes. Frostfur's whiskers were trembling, knowing what Yellowfang was going to say next. "She will never be able go to back to training to be a warrior."

Frostfur shook her head in disbelief. "No, this can't be. Are you sure?"

"I'm sorry, Frostfur." Yellowfang didn't meet Frostfur's hard gaze.

Waterpaw stood in silence, not knowing how hard it must be to hear such terrible news of your own kit. "We will know how she is doing in the next couple of days." Mewed Waterpaw. "For now, she has had a hard night. She needs to rest."

"May I stay in here?" Asked Frostfur, finally accepting what StarClan has to give her.

Yellowfang nodded her head and padded to the herb store. Waterpaw was there already and picked up some poppy seeds for both Frostfur and for Cinderpaw. Yellowfang nodded her head in acceptance as she watched Waterpaw give them both a few seeds. Cinderpaw needed a little bit of help, but she managed to swallow the small seeds. Frostfur lapped them up easily and closed her eyes, sleeping soundly next to her kit, her forehead resting on Cinderpaw's flank.

Waterpaw was exhausted from everything that was going on throughout the night. She could barely sleep and fidgeted the rest of the night. Waterpaw jolted awake to Yellowfang prodding her in the side with a claw. "Shush!" She mewed. "Eat these." She pushed poppy seeds close to Waterpaw. Waterpaw looked up at Yellowfang, tiredly and didn't object to the kind gesture. 

She lapped up the seeds and drifted to sleep, still fidgeting, but not nearly as much. A voice kept making her twist and turn with anxiety. "Fire alone will save the clan." It whispered to her, "Find the fire and let him know. That is your destiny."

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