Chapter Seventeen

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Cinderpaw padded slowly back into the medicine den after a few chores. She felt exhausted, but relieved to be able to get out of just sleeping all day. She laid down on a small nest and tucked her paws under her chest. Waterlily padded into the den and dropped some dandelions in front of her. "Here." She meowed, "eat these. They'll help with any pain you may have."

Cinderpaw nodded, then lapped up the flowers and chewed the leaves. She spit out of the middle of the flower, then closed her eyes to settle her mind and thoughts. Waterlily picked up the flower middles and tossed them into the undergrowth behind the den. The air was finally beginning to get warmer again, which meant better herb stock. With new-leaf already here, it also brought in extra prey to feed the newly born kits.

Brindleface was close to kitting and was due any day now. Waterlily padded to the herb store, grabbed a big pile of moss and soaked it in the small pool of water beside it. She then grabbed some chervil. She trekked to the nursery with Yellowfang close behind with extra moss. 

They heard a little shriek from the nursery and Waterlily almost ran the rest of the way and ducked into the entrance. Brindleface was indeed kitting, and she looked like she was in pain. Waterlily dropped the soaked moss and padded next to Brindleface's side. She felt her swollen belly, then looked into Brindleface's eyes softly. "Everything is going to be fine. Just breathe." 


Two healthy kits laid near Brindleface's belly. She pulled them closer to her with her tail and she looked up at Yellowfang and Waterlily in thanks. One kit didn't make it. It was born close to death and died soon after coming into the world. Yellowfang ducked out of the nursery and stopped, "Hello, Fireheart. Is that... a kit?" She rasped.

Fireheart nodded his head then ducked inside the nursery. He almost bumped into Waterlily, but she turned around in time as she was just about to head out as well after Yellowfang. Fireheart dropped the kit in front of Brindleface.

"What is this?" Brindleface hissed.

"It's a kit. My sister's kit. She had three kits and wanted to give one to ThunderClan to be a warrior." He mewed, trying to sound positive and calm.

Brindleface's eyes clouded with anger. She was going to say no, but the small white kit smelled her milk and wriggled its way to her soft belly. Brindleface looked down at the helpless kit. She didn't try to steer him away. Instead, her eyes softened and pressed the tiny kit closer to her body.

"So, I can tell Bluestar that you'll be caring for the kit?" Fireheart pressed.

Brindleface nodded, not taking her eyes off the kits.

Waterlily stared in amazement. Why would he accept a kit from a kittypet? Even if the kittypet was his sister, wouldn't it just be weird to assume the clan would accept him? She cleared these thoughts away as she ducked out of the brambles covering the nursery entrance and padded to the medicine den. She was to leave the tiny white kit with his new mother, Brindleface. She would take great care of him.

"You saw the kit?" Mewed Waterlily. She padded into the den and began picking out some chamomile for Brindleface.

"Yes, is Brindleface his new mother?" Rasped Yellowfang.

Waterlily nodded with the bundle of herbs in her mouth. She then bounded off back towards the nursery. Fireheart was already gone when she ducked inside. She put the chamomile in front of Brindleface. "Here, eat these." She mewed, then without waiting for a response, she bounded out of the nursery and back to the medicine den.

Yellowfang sat by the little puddle of water and picked apart some leaves from their stems between her teeth. Waterlily sat a few tail-lengths away from her and began sorting some herbs they have picked up yesterday.

Cinderpaw lifted her muzzle. "We have new kits in the Clans?" She asked, happily.

"Yes, it's wonderful." Purred Waterlily.

"And what's this about a kit that Brindleface took in?"

It was Yellowfang who answered her. "Fireheart being the mouse-brain he is, brought a kittypet kit to our Clan."

Waterlily flinched by Yellowfang's words. Waterlily was a kittypet and she had no quarrels with Yellowfang.

"Oh, right. That makes sense." Mewed Cinderpaw, noticing Waterlily's uneasiness.

"Bluestar has let in kittypets before!" Hissed Waterlily, not caring about how hostile her tone was to her mentor.

Yellowfang looked up at her, with wide eyes. She had forgotten that her apprentice was once a kittypet and lived with twolegs. "I.. I'm sorry." She stammered. "I wasn't thinking."

"Maybe you should think before you speak!" Spat Waterlily. Then she looked down and couldn't meet Yellowfang's eyes. "Sorry, Yellowfang." She quickly mewed. "I just have a lot on my mind is all."

"I'm not always this agitated." Confessed Yellowfang. Her eyes softening.

Waterlily looked back up at Yellowfang. Her gaze met Yellowfang's, and she could feel her heart warming inside. She was right. Yellowfang was very caring of her clan. "I know." Purred, Waterlily.

"Can we get on sorting herbs instead of all this mushiness?" Hissed Cinderpaw, lashing her tail to and fro.

Yellowfang and Waterlily exchanged glances of confusion, then let out a mrrow of laughter. They were well prepared for any battles, or sicknesses. For once, they caught up with their duties and some time to themselves. Waterlily felt relief wash over her as she scanned the herb store. Every scent possible was there. It felt good to not worry about stocking the store. It was exhausting trying to figure out which herbs were missing.

"Half-moon is coming upon us quickly." Mewed Cinderpaw. Her heart high in hopes that Waterlily would catch on what she meant.

"Yes, it is indeed." She replied, glancing at Cinderpaw with a sideways glance of confusion.

"You know, half-moon... a great time of choice for a medicine cat."

Waterlily tilted her head even more. Then she straightened it, now understanding what this flea-bitten mouse-brain meant. "Why didn't you just say it, you mouse-brain?" She purred. "Yes, that is the day I'll make my choice if you're well enough. That day will come faster than we know it." She closed her eyes happily, and thought for a good long moment. Was Cinderpaw really ready to go out be a full warrior with her injured leg?

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