Chapter Eight

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The dawn light came in the den. It was bright and shined all the way through the back of the den and into the small pool of water. Waterpaw opened her eyes slowly, getting used to the dawn's early light. Yellowfang was still sound asleep. Waterpaw yawned and stretched out her legs, then padded over to Cinderpaw. Cinderpaw was still sleeping soundly. She had a very rough night and kept waking up during the night with pain. She felt sorry for the young apprentice. She barely had begun her training and she already can't become a full warrior.

The Gathering was tonight and for once, Waterpaw did not want to go. She hoped that Bluestar or Yellowfang didn't ask her to. She would feel bad saying no, but she knew she couldn't face leaving her Clan in such a mess to go to some meeting she has nothing to do with.

Leaf-bare was coming again and she could not only feel the cold, but the smell of sickness was spreading more and more. They were almost out of catmint yet again and Mudfur can't be giving out all of his stock every leaf-bare.

Cinderpaw began to stir again and Waterpaw padded to the herb store to grab some more poppy seed. Cinderpaw would surely need it. She was in a lot of pain last night and will be for quite some time. There was nothing they could do to help her beside let it heal as it is.

"Shh." Whispered Waterpaw, "eat some poppy seeds before any pain comes too harshly."

Cinderpaw did as she was told and lapped the three seeds up, weakly.

Waterpaw padded around the den to each of the sick cats. Their den was getting crowded with sickness and it made Waterpaw feel uneasy. What would happen if every cat had to be in the medicine den? Swiftpaw was sleeping soundly, and his breathing was much better than it was a few nights ago. His eyes were no longer streaming with gunk, so luckily he will be leaving soon once he wakes up. She checked on Patchpelt. He was laying next to Swiftpaw. Waterpaw sniffed him and he smelled better, but his breathing was still pretty shallow. 

She trekked to the nursery and peeked her head inside through the thick brambles. Speckletail pricked her ears and looked up at Waterpaw. Her eyes were soft and thankful. Her kit must be feeling better. She crouched down and padded into the den and sniffed all three kits. The kit that was sick did seem better. He was at least sleeping peacefully and not sniffling. Waterpaw gave Speckletail a quick nod, then headed out of the nursery to check on the other elders. If Patchpelt was ill, the others could have caught something from them. She trekked inside quietly and softly nudged Dappletail. Dappletail opened her eyes and looked at Waterpaw, startled. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." Waterpaw whispered. "Are you all feeling alright?"

Dappletail yawned, then nodded her head. "Yes," She whispered. "We're doing okay here."

Waterpaw dipped her head to the elder then padded outside of the elders' den. She trekked back to the medicine den and saw that Yellowfang was beginning to stir.

"You're up already?" Mewed Yellowfang.

"Yes, and I went to the nursery to check on Speckletail, her kits and the elders den. They're doing better."

Yellowfang showed no emotion; she just dipped her head then padded to the herb store to do inventory for the day. Waterpaw knew she was grateful for what she did even though she didn't say it. "How was Bluestar?" Asked Waterpaw.

"She recovered nicely from her lost life. She just needs rest. She should be back to normal today." Yellowfang didn't take her eyes off the herbs she was counting.

"Will the Clan know?"

Yellowfang looked up at Waterpaw and tilted head her slightly to the side. "Know that she's on her last life?"

Waterpaw nodded, thankful that Yellowfang understood her question.

"No. Even though she is on her last, no one will know. She will show no signs of slowing down. It's just like it never happened. They'll only know when she doesn't wake up next time she dies." Yellowfang went back to counting. 

Waterpaw didn't say or ask anything more. She knew Bluestar was on her last life, but it scared Waterpaw. If Bluestar lost her last life, that means that Tigerclaw would become leader. She shuddered at the thought. 

"Alright," Mewed Yellowfang, "the herbs we'll need today are surely catmint, poppy seeds, cobwebs, and chickweed." She paused, then continued, "chickweed will have to replace catmint until we can harvest it."

Waterpaw twitched her tail impatiently. She itched to get out of the den. It wreaked of sickness. Yellowfang looked at Waterpaw, curiously, but didn't respond to her impatience. "I'll go get them. I need you to stay here and make sure that everyone is taken care of."

Waterpaw didn't meet Yellowfang's eyes. She wanted to go instead, but she obeyed her orders and nodded her head, sorrowfully. 

"Will you be going to Gathering as well?" Mewed Waterpaw as Yellowfang trekked out of the den. 

Yellowfang stopped in her tracks and looked back at Waterpaw. "I do not know." Then she quickly padded away and out of the camp. The dawn patrol began to stir in the clearing and padded off to re-mark the borders. Everyone but Bluestar was beginning to awake from their slumber and start on their morning routines. 

Tigerclaw sat at the clearing. He was speaking with Whitestorm and he flicked his tail to Runningwind, Willowpelt and Mousefur. They padded off out of the camp to go hunting for the morning and afternoon. Tigerclaw stayed back and kept his eye on the camp. Bluestar was the only one that have not yet woken up. 

Waterpaw wondered if she should check on Bluestar, but decided she should probably be alone until she is ready to come out on her own. The ground was beginning to get colder and Waterpaw fluffed out her fur. Leaf-bare would be here before they know it. Despite there being sick cats around in camp, Waterpaw enjoyed herself. It kept her busy almost all afternoon and into the late evening. Bluestar finally padded out of her den and into the medicine den. Yellowfang was already back and she greeted her with a slight nod as she entered.

"Yellowfang," She mewed, rather hoarsely, "will you or Waterpaw be attending the Gathering tonight?"

"Do you need one of us to?" Yellowfang swiftly asked, looking up at Bluestar. Her eyes were soft, but stern.

Bluestar didn't look away and had guessed that she didn't want to go, "I would like at least one you." She mewed softly. "Waterpaw can go if you wish not to." She added.

Yellowfang didn't respond for a few moments as if she was thinking what to do. Then she nodded, and turned to Waterpaw. "Accompany the clan and go to the Gathering. I'll stay here and tend to the sick cat's needs."

Waterpaw nodded her head, and looked down, hoping Yellowfang didn't see her sad reaction. She didn't want to go the Gathering. She didn't want to get distracted by Littlecloud. She hasn't seen him for a whole moon now and she wanted it to stay that way. She just prayed to the cats of StarClan that he might have stayed back this night and the other nights that she went to the Gathering.

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