Chapter Twenty Two

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"This Gathering is over, by the will of StarClan." It was Tallstar who spoke.

The crowd murmured in agreement. The air was thick with the scents of fear and hostility. Bluestar leaped down from the highrock and padded swiftly to the front of the group. Waterlily dipped her head to the medicine cats then bounded towards the other ThunderClan cats. Yellowfang raced beside her. The Clan ran silently through the forest, following the familiar scent-lined trail back to camp. Waterlily saw Fireheart fall to the back of the clan to speak to his friend, Graystripe. He is probably going to warn him about the scents being noticed. She thought to herself. 

Even though the cats were tired from the journey, Bluestar called a meeting as soon as they were home. Most of the Clan was still awake anyway. The Gathering had been shorter than usual, and the sudden cloud cover had alarmed even the cats left in the camp. Bluestar settled onto the highrock with Tigerclaw just behind her. Waterlily couldn't understand why he had to be always by her side. Lionheart never acted this way. He was more of a warrior, physically than what Tigerclaw does most of his days. 

"The greatest threat seems to be from RiverClan and ShadowClan. We must be prepared for the possibility that these two Clans have united against us." Began Bluestar, twitching the tip of her tail. Shocked whispers rippled through the clan. 

"Do you really think they've joined together?" Yellowfang rasped. "RiverClan has the best sources of prey, but I can't imagine they'd want to share with ShadowClan."

Waterlily hung her head low. She did not want to think about battle with the other Clans. They have lost too much already from previous battles, and Bluestar was too weak to start anything with them. 

Bluestar nodded. "Whatever the truth, we must be on full alert. From tonight, each patrol will have four cats, at least three of them warriors. The patrols will be more frequent, two each night, and one during the day, as well as the dawn and dusk patrols. We must put a stop to RiverClan's and ShadowClan's raids on our territory, and since they have chosen to ignore our words, we must be prepared to fight."

Waterlily gasped. They weren't prepared. The clan was still too weak to fight. How did Bluestar expect to win if something happened in a few sunrises from now? 

The Clan yowled their agreement. When the noise died away, Bluestar spoke again. "The first patrol will leave before dawn." She jumped down from the Highrock. Tigerclaw followed, and the rest of the Clan broke up into small groups. 

Waterlily glanced over at Fireheart and Graystripe. Fireheart was heading into the warriors' den to his nest, and Graystripe sat at the edge of the clearing with his head bowed down. Waterlily looked up over the ravine and heard an owl hoot loudly. Whitestorm and Darkstripe pushed their way into the warriors' den. She followed their paths with her eyes and heard Whitestorm talking to Fireheart. "You're to join me with Sandpaw and Mousefur on patrol at sunhigh," he meowed. 

"Yes, Whitestorm," Fireheart answered. "What about Cinderpaw. Can she come, too?" He added.

"I'm afraid not." The old warrior murmured. "She must stay in camp this time."

Waterlily shook her head from her gaze at the warriors' den and dove her attention to the medicine den. Yellowfang was heading there with a plumped out tail. She could tell that she was anxious about the upcoming battles that might happen. 


The dawn patrol came running back into camp. Their voices were hostile with one another. Yellowfang lifted her head and pricked her ears. Waterlily did the same and recognised Tigerclaw's voice. 

"It's rabbit bones!" He shouted. "This must be taken care of now with or without Bluestar!" He added, hissing.

Yellowfang quickly got to her paws and bounded towards them. Waterlily followed close behind, her tail twitching with anticipation. Fireheart, Whitestorm and Sandpaw was among them when she and Yellowfang arrived. Yellowfang took a whiff of the rabbit bones and wrinkled her nose. She bristled then rasped, "Brokenstar!"

"Brokenstar?" Fireheart echoed. "Are you sure?"

"ShadowClan isn't to blame for this!" Cried Yellowfang. "This is Brokenstar and his old warrior friends. I was once the ShadowClan medicine cat. I was there at their kitting. I know their scents as well as I know my own."

Tigerclaw didn't wait to hear about Brokenstar and bounded across the clearing. He stopped by a few warriors that weren't out on patrol and they raced out of camp.

"He's gone to attack to ShadowClan!" Hissed Fireheart. 

"He mustn't!" Growled Yellowfang. "Who all can go after him before he does something stupid?"

"I am the only one left in camp besides Brackenpaw, Cinderpaw and Sandpaw." Replied Fireheart, breathing harder in panic.

"Then I'll go."

Waterlily whirled her head around at Yellowfang as she rasped the words. How could she go? She's a medicine cat, not a warrior. Besides, Tigerclaw would rip her to shreds if she told him what to do! "You will not do such a mouse-brained thing!" Hissed Waterlily. 

"And why not?" Yellowfang hissed back, pulling back her lips in a snarl. "I was afterall, once ShadowClan." She added.

Waterlily took a step forward, "Tigerclaw is not very fond of you still, remember?"

Yellowfang hung her head low, knowing that Waterlily was right. "What do you suppose we do then?" She asked.

"The apprentices could go." She offered. "Sandpaw and Brackenpaw could go. They would be able to catch up to them before they left and warn them about Brokenstar and what he might be up to."

Yellowfang dipped her head in acceptance of the plan and turned to Sandpaw. "Go fetch Brackenpaw and be on your way. They'll be onto ShadowClan in no time! You must hurry!"

Sandpaw quickly nodded her head and raced towards the apprentices' den to wake up Brackenpaw. Waterlily sat down and sighed softly to herself, while Yellowfang padded back to the medicine den. Waterlily sat in silence, wondering what she should do. She began having envious thoughts about Sandpaw and Brackenpaw being able to leave camp and do important work like fetching Tigerclaw. All she could do was get herbs and cure sicknesses. She looked over to the camp entrance and stared into the distance wondering if she was really fit to be a medicine cat. Even though she was a full medicine cat, she felt lost. 

"Waterlily!" It was Yellowfang. She called from the medicine den and her head peered out from the cave entrance. Waterlily looked over at her, with a blank look in her eyes. "See if you can go out and find some comfrey. If there's to be a battle, we should stock up on it."

Waterlily nodded, then bounded off towards the camp entrance. She was glad to be leaving camp. It might help her clear her mind. She padded up the ravine and into the Sandy Hollow. It was damp and perfect if comfrey was grown there. She stood tall and opened her mouth to taste the air. Scents of daisy, which grew everywhere, and feverfew, but no comfrey. She closed her eyes and licked her lips, then opened her mouth again to taste the air once more. Comfrey was finally detected near the river, but it was on the other side... in RiverClan territory. She couldn't just cross. They had enough issues with the Clans. She dared not to cross by herself.

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