Chapter Eighteen

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The half-moon glinted high in the sky. Waterlily felt restless, and she feared what StarClan would tell her. She knew Cinderpaw was ready, but at the same time, she seemed too vulnerable. If she was to become a full warrior, she would be a strong one. If she didn't... Waterlily gulped for air as she kept thinking about the blame she would feel if Cinderpaw really couldn't be a full warrior. 

She shook the negative thoughts out of her head and continued to focus on preparing for the long journey to the Moonstone. The herbs they used weren't delicate ones, but she wanted them to taste better. The bitter taste was always left in her mouth and she never knew how Yellowfang could lap them up so quickly. She added in some heather nectar into the mix and she could smell the sweetness that filled her nostrils. 

"I think that's enough heather nectar." Rasped Yellowfang as she padded into the medicine den. 

"Easy for you to say." Hissed Waterlily. "You can eat the traveling herbs as is!"

"You get used to it." She explained, "Now come on. We best get going. The half-moon won't stay up forever."

Waterlily gave a swift nod then lapped up the herbs. They were much better! She managed to swipe her tongue over her lips this time from the sweet nectar taste. 

As they neared the highstones, Mudfur caught up with them. Mudfur trotted beside Yellowfang, her fur almost brushing up against him. Runningnose wasn't too far behind. When they reached the highstones, Barkface was already sitting at the top of the slope and at the edge of the tunnel, ready to go in. He licked his paw, and swiped it over his ear, then looked up at the cats coming near him.

"Greetings, Barkface." Purred Mudfur. 

Barkface gave a swift nod, then lick his paw again and swiped it over the other ear. Waterlily stopped and sat down, waiting for the others to share tongues on their regular news of the clans. She thought they were pointless. It was just like a Gathering, but with less cats. 

"Any tough cases?" Mewed Runningnose

"Onewhisker has a scratch that won't heal." Hissed Barkface. 

"Try some horsetail. It would stick to the wound instead of it rubbing off." Runningnose mewed.

Waterlily knew horsetail would work better. How could he think Barkface was any more mouse-brained? 

"How is Cinderpaw doing?" Mudfur mewed, looking at Waterlily who seemed to be dazed.

"Huh? Oh yeah, she's doing great!" Her voice was cracked and raspy. She cleared her throat then tried again. "Cinderpaw is getting better at her exercises." 

Mudfur was about to speak when Yellowfang lashed her tail between the two medicine cats. "Come on!" She rasped, padding a little faster to catch up to Runningnose. Runningnose had just hit the end of the tunnel and padded to a bright blue crystal wall. His eyes gleaming with pride as he stared into it. Waterlily wasn't too far behind and she waited near Runningnose. Yellowfang sat on the other side and Mudfur brought up the rear. He settled near Yellowfang, a few tail-lengths away. Waterlily waited till the others were asleep. She could hear Yellowfang's soft breathing, then she closed her eyes and brought in the scent of Featherwhisker.

"Featherwhisker?" She called out.

"What is it you may want, young one?" He padded out to her, and brushed his cheek against her whiskers.

"I just wanted to talk to you." She mewed, tilting her head a bit.

Featherwhisker dipped his head and laid his plump tail on her shoulders. "You worry about Cinderpaw?" His mew was sharp.

Waterlily nodded her head and kept her head low. "It's impossible to do, isn't it?"

"You've already gone this far! Might as well go even further."

Waterlily looked up at him with a gleam of happiness. He always knew how to make her feel better. He then vanished, and Waterlily frantically tried to get him back. All she felt was dust in the air as she leaped toward him. She landed awkwardly and sighed as she got back up, shaking off her pelt from debris. She looked around and tasted the air. A scent she knew very well came to her. Spottedleaf! She looked back behind her and saw Spottedleaf standing there, purring. 

"It's so good to see you again, young one." Spottedleaf purred.

Waterlily raced to her side and rubbed her cheek against Spottedleaf's. "I miss you, Spottedleaf. I really do. Yellowfang is too harsh at times." She confessed.

"I know." Spottedleaf mewed, still purring. "She thinks the same as you." Waterlily tilted her head to the side in confusion. Spottedleaf then continued, noticing the confused look on her face. "You're more like her than you know."

"I don't want to be like her!" Hissed Waterlily. She paused and looked down at her paws. "I want to be more like you." She looked up at her, meeting Spottedleaf's soft gaze.

"You will. Yellowfang knows what she is doing. Just have patience."

Waterlily nodded her head softly then put her tail on Spottedleaf's flank. She rubbed her cheek again, then let Spottedleaf fade out her sight. Waterlily blinked open her eyes and stretched out her legs before she got up to her paws. Waterlily looked at Yellowfang. She was just waking up and blinked up at Waterlily. Waterlily always wanted to know what Yellowfang talks about in StarClan. Does she talk to ShadowClan cats or ThunderClan? Many more thoughts whirled around in Waterlily's ear. She shook her head to clear it, then padded after the other two medicine cats. 

Barkface lead them up the tunnel and back into the grasslands. Waterlily let out a sigh of relief when her paws finally hit the soft grass. Yellowfang caught up with her and seemed rather cheerful. She had the mind of an elder, yet somehow acted like a kit at the same time. She couldn't believe how much emotion she could share in just a small amount of time.

"It's almost dawn. We should get a move on before the dawn patrol." Yellowfang's mew pierced into her thoughts. Waterlily glanced over at Yellowfang, then dipped her head to the two other medicine cats. Barkface dipped his head in return and headed off towards the thunderpath leading to WindClan.

"See you at the Gathering!" Meowed Yellowfang as she waved her tail then bounded after Waterlily. As they hit ThunderClan camp, Waterlily began thinking of the Gathering. She did not want to face the other clan cats. She shook her head to clear it, then puffed out her chest and trekked into camp. Today was the day that she examines Cinderpaw's leg and decides if she is able to run freely. Cinderpaw laid motionless, heaving her sides up and down every few seconds. Waterlily padded up to her and brushed her plump tail, lightly over Cinderpaw's flank. "Please, Cinderpaw, pass the assessment I have set for you." She whispered so lightly that only the flea on her pelt could hear her. 

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