Chapter Four

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Waterpaw padded into the elders' den. Patchpelt, and Smallear were sleeping peacefully when she ducked inside the brambles covering their den. The moss she dropped in front of One-eye was a little damp, but she hoped that they were in good moods today. One-eye seemed to have noticed her sadness in the way she spoke, but didn't say anything when Waterpaw mewed softly. "I have some fresh moss for you." She was trying not to wake the others.

"Thank you." Rasped a dappled coat she-cat. It was Dappletail. She had once a beautiful coat, but now it was matted and diluted from age. Waterpaw couldn't help but feel sorry for the elders. They looked dreadful in their old ages. It couldn't possibly be comfortable to live life like this. Waterpaw didn't want to be old. It was a long way off and she shook past it as she padded the new moss into Dappletail's and One-eye's bedding.

"Should I come back for them?" Asked Waterpaw, looking at the two old cats sleeping.

"No, they sleep all day." Hissed One-eye. "Smallear, Patchpelt! You want new bedding?"

Patchpelt twitched his ears then picked up his head, tiredly. His eyes clouded with age and exhaustion as if he was out battling all night. Waterpaw padded towards him and sniffed his body. She didn't smell any sickness, so he must just be really tired. "I have some new bedding for you." She meowed, softly in his ear.

"Oh good. Mine was feeling rather prickly lately." Patchpelt rasped.

As Waterpaw attended to their nests, switched them with new ones and took out their ticks, she heard Patchpelt begin to rasp about the good old days again.

"When Sunstar was leader, I remember when our camp was in peace." He started, his voice getting worse as he spoke. "Nowadays with Bluestar, it just seems to grow darker and darker." He finished.

Waterpaw didn't want to hear about the darkness. "What about the good days with Sunstar?" She asked, not taking her eyes off the tick she was trying to get off of Dappletail. "What were those days like?"

Patchpelt felt pleased that someone actually wanted to listen to him. "Oh, he made the Clan cooperate easier. When he was around, even ShadowClan wasn't attacking us as often. It's if they see us as weak. Bluestar is a great leader, but she has many dark times ahead of us." He finished, trying to give his rough fur a lick, but he couldn't turn his head like he used to.

"There...done." Mewed Waterpaw. She dipped her head to the elders then ducked underneath the brambles covering the entrance and padded to the medicine den. She quickly went to the small pool that was in the corner and lapped up some water to try and get the taste of mouse bile from her mouth. 

Yellowfang padded into the den. She had lavender, and marigold in her jaws, then she set them down as she spoke. "Go get some fresh-kill. It'll help with the taste." She meowed, then picked her herbs and sorted them in the right places. Waterpaw bounded towards the fresh-kill pile and searched for something that would take away the awful taste. Mouse just reminded her of the bile, and it made her turn up her nose at the thought. So she chose a small vole and padded to the entrance of the medicine den. She laid down, and began eating it. She soon forgot the taste of the mouse bile, but remembered Patchpelt's words about Bluestar. Bluestar is a great leader, but she has many dark times ahead of us. What was that supposed to mean? What all does Patchpelt know? 


Later that day Waterpaw was sorting through the herbs her and Yellowfang went out picking. There was much to sort through before it was time to go to the Moonstone. It was half-moon tonight and her paws pricked with excitement. Yellowfang flicked her tail with anticipation; even she was restless to go to the Moonstone. Waterpaw trekked to the small pool that they had laying near their herb store. She had a few leaves of mallow leaves and set them near the marigold.

"Are you almost ready?" Rasped Yellowfang as she dropped the last bunch of herbs into the store. They finally had an abundance of herbs in their store. It's been nearly a moon since they could catch up and fill up on their herbs. Waterpaw felt pleased. They no longer had to search for herbs for quite a few days now. 

"Yes, I'm ready." Mewed Waterpaw, gently picking the traveling they herbs they needed. She set the herbs down in front of Yellowfang and grabbed another bunch for herself. Yellowfang lapped them up without any thought. Waterpaw hated the taste. They were bitter and made her tongue feel dry every half-moon she had to take them. She quickly lapped them up with her rough tongue and scrunched up her nose as she chewed and swallowed them. 

When they reached the Moonstone, it seemed brighter than usual. Inside the stone made the whole cave a brighter blue and almost flickered like the light was going to go out. Mudfur, and Runningnose trembled their whiskers as they trekked inside the cave and into the light. 

Waterpaw laid down, tucking her paws under her chest, then touched the stone with her nose. She winced from the cold that shot through her whole body. She closed her eyes and drifted into her dreams.

She opened her eyes and she wasn't at the normal place of StarClan or the Moonstone like she usually was. She looked around, confused to be in her own territory. She felt like she wasn't dreaming and was back in her Clan. Then suddenly fire spread throughout the camp. Waterpaw's eyes widened and she bristled her fur. She couldn't feel the heat from the fire, but she was still scared from what was happening around her. Her eyes still wide, she turned and saw a flame-colored pelt padding towards her. Then a cat's meow sounded around her. It was like the cat had all of the cats of StarClan beside them saying these words. "Fire alone will save the clan." Waterpaw, at first, was confused as to why she was being shown such a vivid image of fire, which is feared by all clans, and the young warrior, Fireheart. Then she put the two together and she knew what she had to do. Bluestar had to know this prophecy and the meaning behind it. Waterpaw then saw a pretty tortoiseshell she-cat standing in the distance. The she-cat dipped her head, then disappeared. Waterpaw closed her eyes and purred. Thank you Spottedleaf for showing me what I must do.

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