Part 3

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I'd come to an alliance with the queen. She made her demands, and I had already made mine known. I wasn't at war with Wakanda. These were my people. I'd get my chance at justice, but it came with a cost. —Betrayal of the highest kind, the queen can be vindictive regarding her family and her people. In my wrath, I readily agreed. At the time, I didn't know that it would cost me more than I could bear.

The outsiders drilling for vibranium got his attention. I drew him to me with underwater tornados that came upwards to the surface in my direction. Using my gift to direct the water flow, it didn't take long for his soldiers to answer my call.

Blue people came up from the sea, masked and aggressively wielding spears. "I'm not here to fight," I state. A response is spoken in an unknown language. "I don't understand," I say before being brought down to one knee with a twist of my wrist. "Ah...!"

The gigantic man's anger-filled words assault my ears. Queen Ramonda had ensured that I was well-versed in my role of deception. And one of those was that I was to play the helpless female.

It's obvious that the queen didn't learn anything about me from my time spent with her. Meek and helpless isn't my style. A flat-handed hit to his chest forces him far away from me. He slides past his accomplices, trying to regain his footing.

The female of small size attacks, fast and hard. But her blow doesn't meet its mark. She's tossed aside as a stone when skipping rocks. Her body bounces across the surface a few times before sinking.

The other three charge at me but are immediately halted by someone's command. It's him, Namor. He's watching me from the air, hovering over the water. He barks another command, and they return to the ocean below.

"Is your ambush upon my people your queen's answer to my request?"

"It was the only way that I could get your attention."

"I should kill you for what you did." He says, moving closer and landing directly in front of me.

The audacity and his ego are insulting to my ma-ma's memory.

"I can see your contempt for me in your eyes." He says, studying me.

Turning my back to him. I try to regain my composure. I'm making a mess of things by letting my emotions get the best of me.

"And what beautiful eyes they are."

Confused, I keep my back to him. "Look at me, child."

"I'm not a child," I stated sternly. In my defiance, I'm finally able to face him.

His gaze slowly roams my body before returning to mine. "No, you're not." He agrees.

"My aunt, the queen, has tasked me with being her messenger."

"You're royalty."

No, but that's my role to play in this treachery.

"She accepts your alliance. And as a token of her allegiance, I'm to be your captive."

"My captive?" He questions.

He's fast. All I saw was his movement, and then I was in the water, flailing about, trying to keep my head above water.

It takes me a moment to realize that I could just compel myself out of the water with my mind. But before I can, Namor has me in his arms, floating just above the water.

My arms go around his neck, holding tightly to him. His light chuckle annoys me. "Why do you laugh?" I ask. He's the reason why I could have drowned.

"At the irony of it all."


"My queen cannot breathe underwater, and she can't even swim."

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