Part 11

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My body couldn't stand to go as deep as the Talokanil's. So I am relegated to staying in Namor's home in the caves.

He's with his people most of the time, and I'm with the assigned assistants and detailed security.

It's not that I don't like it here, but I miss my people. —Who are no longer my people.

The Talokan language is hard to learn, and I've outright refused to accept it. —Much to Namor's dismay and irritation.

He cannot be with me as I'd like, as we are still at war with the surface world.

I'm in bed twiddling my thumbs and recounting my life as it was. As it is now and how it will be in the future when we are at peace.

"How is my queen?"

Namor's voice is surprising yet welcome.

My swollen belly hinders my rise to greet him. He has to help me to a sitting position.

After a careful inspection of him, my king is tired and war-weary. He looks drained.

"Well, but bored," I reply.

"I'm sorry that I can't appease my queen with modern entertainment."

"My king's presence alone more than makes up for it," I say, kissing his hand.

The back of his hand strokes my cheek, and I lean into it, reveling in his touch.

"I love you."

"I love you more." He replies. 

His kiss is gentle and loving. "Stay with me." I request.

Namor's response is interrupted by my agonizing groan.

"What's wrong?"

"The baby..." I state between painful gasps.

The assistants are summoned and helping me to my feet, a loud blast rocks the cave.

We're sent tumbling to the ground. I try to catch myself while protecting my stomach and end up sprawled on my side.

The blow is excruciating, and the liquid flow between my legs terrifies me.

I'm panicking as my hand disappears underneath my gown.

The blood staining my fingers is horrifying, as I cannot remove my eyes from them.

Following Namor's command, a set of hands roughly pulls me to my feet, and I'm carried from the room, screaming for Namor.

He's left me.

The giant Attuma has me in his arms. I cradle my stomach and hold tightly onto him as the birth pains rack my body.

He's taken me into the water with the three assistants. Standing guard, he shows no emotions.

Underwater, the assistants offer me silent reassurances as I scream bloody murder while trying to push my child from my body.

Attuma, nonchalant and silent, bears witness to the birth of their future king.

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