Part 7

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Amadi was spared. I'd called the Queen's bluff and had won. Or so I thought...

There was no seduction that night. Namor shared a second drink with me and left soon after. I'm gathering fruits and nuts for a salad when the sound of a horn being blown captures my attention.

Amadi has the river tribe infantry with him. An angry scowl taints his usual calm features as they draw nearer. Their presence brings a sense of apprehension as their march turns into a full-on sprint in my direction.

The basket I'd been carrying is forgotten as I divide the small army with a wave of my hand. Bodies are airborne and then plummeted to the ground. I don't touch Amadi, and he continues on his path to me. I don't want to hurt them, so I keep them held back.

"Amadi, stand down!" I implore him.

His response is a battle cry that alerts me to his pain. Something's wrong. Something has happened.

"Amadi!" I warn.

He's upon me quickly and would have run me down had Namor not interfered. He's taken into the air and plunged into the ocean. He's going to drown Amadi!

"Namor!" I scream as the infantry is released from my energy. I take to the water. And going beneath, I search for them. I know that my efforts are futile, but I try anyway.

"Namor, this isn't what I want!"

My plea is heard, and Namor emerges with a limp Amadi hanging by the foot. His body is discarded onto the bank.

"Stay away!" I inform the guards as I attempt to revive Amadi.

"Come away." Namor is at my side, trying to usher me away from him.

"No!" I push his hand away.

I'm forcefully taken away by Namor. He has a firm hold of me as I try to wriggle from his grasp.

"Hold your breath." He instructs me.


We're in the water before I'm ready, and as he takes me deeper, I run out of air rapidly. His lips on mine are a shock to my senses as he delivers air to me.

Closing my eyes, I concentrate on breathing. I can hear the sounds of the marine life all around us. The water starts to get colder, and I press my body closer to his. He rubs my back to reassure me.

After what seems like ages, we finally make it to dry land, a cave.

"What's this?"

"My home."

"And what of Amadi?" I question.

"He'll live."

I'm given a gown of gold and black and sandals to wear. Admiring the way that it clings to my body, the soft silk is lovely. "Beautiful," Namor says.

Watching him through the mirror, he's even more handsome, donning a cloak.

"Thank you."

"I have something for you." He's come up behind me, and a necklace of red jewels is placed around my neck.

"I love it," I say as I carefully finger the jewels.

"Come with me." Taking his offered hand, I let him lead me through the maze he calls home. There's a small group of five of his people waiting for us in a chamber. I recognize one face, the petite woman that attacked me on the surface.

She has a severe expression for me, and I keep my gaze on her. "Don't worry, Namora isn't going to harm you," Namor whispers. I'm not worried about her.

"Namora?" I question.

"My cousin, she was named in my honor."

Namor guides me to a man in Talokan ceremonial attire. They exchange words, and the others close rank behind us.

With my hands in Namor's, the man says a speech in their language. I don't understand the language, but I think I understand what's happening.

"Namor..." I whisper harshly.

He's looking into my eyes, but he doesn't acknowledge my attempts to stop the ceremony. Namor lightly squeezes my hand, which stops my antics.

"Meeting you was a dream I never want to wake up from. I told you that with me, it was forever. I stand by my word. Do you stand by yours?"

Do I? I didn't think that it would lead to this. Everyone's waiting expectantly, and so I make a hasty decision.

"I do."

The official person makes another speech before Namor releases my hand to his. Namora places a cushion under my hand, and a shark tooth is produced by the official person.

I watch as the tooth is dipped in an ink-like substance before it pierces my finger. My first instinct is to retract my hand, to protect it, but Namora's hard stare forces me to buck up and endure what looks like a tattoo of a ring.

Namor goes through the same procedure. And taking both of our hands, a cloth is tied around our wrists. "In this union, I promise to love, protect and honor you." Namor states. My hand is brought to his lips and then his to mine.

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