Part 12

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The surface world has brought the fight to the sea.

Attuma has my child as we seek protection from the war above and under the water.

We watch in horror as the cave collapses in itself.

Attuma motions for us to go deeper, but I cannot go as low as they can. And I don't know how far my son can go as of yet.

He's able to breathe underwater. We established that at his birth.

Frightened, I shake my head and point toward the surface.

Attuma responds negatively and departs with my baby and the assistants in tow.

I give chase but can't keep up with them.

My only recourse is to use my power to halt his descent.

I underestimated him. He fights me, and his opposition is strong. So I focus my attention on my child.

With the war raging above and below us, we're locked in a ridiculous game of tug of war before an underwater shockwave separates us.

I don't know if my scream was heard under the water, but Attuma's quick reaction saves my son.

He has him once again as the assistants have seized me.

Anger rushes through my body as I watch the abduction of my child.

Grappling with the two that have latched onto my arms, I'm trying to keep an eye on the kidnapper as he retreats.

The other has taken hold of my feet, and I'm being pulled in different directions.

What the hell are they trying to do to me?

Biting the arm that's closest to my face, I take a huge chomp and lock on like a pit bull.

I didn't think that my screams could be heard underwater, but I definitely heard hers.

Crazed and rage-filled, I rip the flesh from her arm.

I'm immediately released by all involved parties, and with horror-filled expressions, they quickly flee the scene.

I'm in a wild panic, searching the water for my child. I know where they're taking him, but I can't follow them.

"Ma-ma..." I whisper.

She has gone on to the afterlife. Her spirit no longer lingers in the water. So I get no response.

I'm alone. I can hear the muted fight above, below, and around me.

I can sense the fear of the sea creatures. The ocean is ill with the underwater crafts and debris from the land dwellers.

I am done with it all. The fighting, the greed, and the deaths!

A blind rage overtakes me, and I shoot up and out of the water at torpedo speed.

The many tornados coming from the water wreak havoc on the fight on land. The combatants cease their scrimmage and retreat for safety.

Hurricane winds pull homes and people into the air and then out to sea.

The destruction is devastating, as buildings and lives are destroyed.

I call forth the ocean to assist me. A tsunami rising one hundred feet in the air behind me causes more than a few heart attacks.

Trembling with fear, most go to their knees in supplication—pleading and praying.

"Oshun. Stop this." Namor's hands on my face force my attention away from the people.

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