Part 2

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A council of the tribes has been assembled. As a commoner, I'm not privy to the proceedings.

Amadi's father is the leader of the river tribe, so he's allowed to attend the meeting.

I'm left outside with the Dora Milaje standing on guard to prevent intrusions on the congregation.

With my enhanced sense of hearing, I pace outside the door, listening.

"Who is this man?"

"His people have taken many lives, and the people want justice!"

"He must be stopped by any means necessary."

He, who is he? Amadi told me of a man that arose from the sea. His people waged war on ours, and for what?

"He just wants to be left alone." Says Queen Ramonda.

"We just wanted to be left alone. And yet, he attacks Wakanda." One council member replies.

"The outsiders, they want our vibranium. They dig deep into our oceans and have disturbed his people." Queen Ramonda informs them.

"So he decides to disturb ours?"

Disturb? He killed our people, my ma-ma. The anger at what this man has done pulls at my heart, and the hurt arouses my anger.

"We will do as he asks. Wakanda isn't equipped to handle the kind of threat Namor poses."

Namor... Wakanda and its people bow to him so easily. The ancestors would not have allowed this, and we, their grandchildren, won't either!

The Dora Milaje are swept away from their posts with a slight wave of my hand.

"This is a private meeting." Queen Ramonda addresses me upon my entrance.

The doors are closed behind me with a bang in the face of the Dora's coming to their queen's rescue.

"This is not what your mother wanted!" Amadi's father makes his case to silence my uprising.

"It's not private that Wakanda is unprotected," I state, ignoring him and the Dora's beating down the door to get in.

"Who are you?"

"Oshun, daughter of Zola. This Namor took her from me. But I'm not the only child left without a mother, a father, or worse, an elder."

"You speak as if you have a solution."

"I'm going to kill him if you would kindly point me in the right direction."

My statement is met with silence and then a low rumbling chuckle that turns into a mockery.

"You, you're going to kill Namor?" A leader questions before breaking out into a burst of gut-busting laughter.

"Oshun, don't..." Amadi whispers harshly.

All those sitting come to their feet at my recklessness, and a collective gasp echoes throughout the room. I have our queen lifted in the air and held in place. I release my hold on the door and allow the Dora's entrance.

They immediately circle me in attack mode. "Be still." Orders the queen from the air. They don't strike, but they remain in their aggressive stance. "Release me." Queen Ramonda commands gently.

I do as she asks. The Dora's part allowing the queen to draw closer to her assailant. "Is that your only gift?" She inquires of me.

"The water obeys my commands, and I'm as strong as our black panther was."

"Show me."

"I'm not here for your entertainment." I counter.

The queen's eagle-eyed stare should have inspired my fear. Instead, it rouses my irritation. I will not back down. My message is received, and with a sigh, the queen returns to her throne.

As a commoner, I'd never met the queen. But she was well thought of as the "Queen Mother." Where are her words of comfort and support? All that I see in her eyes is dismissive scorn. She will not let me have my chance at retribution and the order that follows hurts.

"She has threatened your queen. Her reward is death!"

Amadi's father's attempt to stop him from coming to my aid is rebuked. I'm not skilled in battle, but I can protect myself.—And this isn't Amadi's fight. He's promptly forced from the room as the circle of Dora's tightens.

"Show mercy, my queen!" Dakarai, Amadi's father, begs. An invisible force outside the doorway keeps Amadi, and the assembly of Dora's out.

"Silence!" She instructs him.

"It's a test." My ma-ma, It's her voice in my head. She'd chosen to stay behind on the earthly plane as my spirit guide. Her love encourages and gives me strength. If the queen wants to be entertained, then let's entertain her.

The Dora's take a powerful blow directly to the face that sends their bodies bouncing off of the throne walls. I keep one stuck in place and have her by the head. She's slung around in a circle before I release her, spear drawn and aimed directly at the queen.

The leaders scatter out of the way, but Queen Ramonda cannot escape. The occupants watch in horror as they witness the queen's demise. Some cower and shield their eyes as the spear stops within inches of her heart. I almost laugh at two of the Dora's giving way to a dead faint.

"Now, where is Namor?"

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