Part 6

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"You will do as you've promised! We did not come to you. You came to us with your plans to end him."

I'm before the queen and her protectors. I've been humiliated into silence.

With my head held low, I ask her to release me from my contract.

Exasperated, she takes her seat on the throne. Hands clasped together in thought—We await her response.

Although he's done a great offense to myself and our people, his death would bring war to our country.

But I would be lying if I said that that is the reason why I'm asking for the plan to be terminated.

Namor has bewitched me. I'm under his spell. His kindness and charm have captured my heart and mind.

"The proposal still stands. When Namor comes to you again, you will complete your task, or I will take what you love in recompense."

What I love? My ma-ma is no more. What can she do to hurt me?

The queen claps her hands, and Amadi is brought in. His hands and mouth are bound and a blade shining bright with the radiance of vibranium is at his throat.

"I refuse to believe you would harm one of your own..."

A nod of her head and Amadi's muffled cry assaulted my ears. "Stop!" I demand.

The blade slicing his throat immediately ends its trail of terror.

"What has happened to you? You're mad!" I yell as Amadi is pushed to his knees. The guard holding him has a firm grip on his locs and the blade at the ready again at his neck.

"Mad with grief and anger, Oshun. And so should you. Hasn't Namor taken everything from you?"

"Killing him will bring war to our people."

"I didn't start this war, but I will finish it."

I have no other arguments, and there is nothing that I can say that will turn the queen from her path.

I could take a few heads.

"Don't try anything stupid. He's been given a drug that will kill him if he doesn't get the antidote in seventy-two hours."

The queen has lost her mind. And as I prepare for Namor's arrival, I'm anxious. I didn't potentially put Amadi in danger. I'd put him right smack in harm's way.

I was reckless in my wrath. I don't want to kill Namor, but I can't let Amadi's death be the penalty for my mistake.

I can't imagine the fear he feels of someone being responsible for whether he lives or die. What's even worse is that I'd waited two days to come to a resolution.

And now, as I wait on the bed, I almost retract my decision.

I quickly pour and devour a glass of wine to calm my nerves. "What's troubling you?"

I almost jumped out of my skin at the sound of his voice.

"Nothing," I say, trying to swiftly clean up the spilled wine.

"Mitescere." He says gently with his hands on mine.

"What does that mean?"

"Calm down." He explains as he fills both glasses.

I let him lead me to the bed, and this time I take my time with my drink.

"You shouldn't have asked me to come during the night if my presence makes you uneasy."

"It doesn't, and this isn't my first time. I'm not a... not a ..."

"A child?" He offers.

"A virgin, I know what I'm doing."

"I would hope so." He says with a chuckle.

He's been inside my home, but never to my bedroom. I let him take his time examing my space while I gather my thoughts.

"I didn't come here for that." He says after some time.

But you're leaving with that.— I want to say but think that it's better left unsaid.

With a good amount of wine in me, I make the offer for him to join me with a small wave of my hand.

He doesn't hesitate to accept, and I wait as he samples his glass of wine.

"I want to thank you," I say quietly.

"For what?"

"For being kind and patient with me. I'd lost myself in the days before I met you."

"The contempt that I'd saw in your eyes when we met?"


His glass is set aside as he takes my hands in his. His energy is calming and relaxing. I know that this is his doing, but I don't care.

My plan is to seduce him, but I don't mind being seduced.—It's been a while.

"I'm sorry for whatever pain caused you pain."

He doesn't know that he's the culprit responsible for my pain. But I don't want to think about that right now. I have an assignment to complete.

Namor brings my hand to his lips, and I have to suppress the urge to break eye contact with him. My fingers entwine with his, and his gaze strays to our hands linked together. It's a statement of my acceptance of him.

"Are you sure?" He says as his gaze returns to mine.

"I am."

"Because with me, it's forever." He adds. The seriousness of his tone sobers me. Does he really have feelings for me? I can't gauge his thoughts in his expression. His beautiful brown eyes, which I've grown a fondness for, are unreadable.

Namor pulls me close, and I can't help breathing in his scent. He smells of the ocean, and I revel in it. I want him to kiss me. I have to look away lest he sees the desire in my eyes. He lifts my chin, and I'm forced to see the passion in his.

"Forever?" He asks.

"Forever," I confirm.

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