Part 4

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Queen Ramonda had my home rebuilt for my participation in the scheme of things. She offered to make it grander, but I appreciate the little things in life. It doesn't take much to make me happy.

Enjoying the peace and calm that the water brings me, my thoughts stray to Namor. He's not what I imagined him to be. He loves his people. He'll go to war for them, and he'll not only kill for them, but he'll also die for them. He's dark-haired, bronze-skinned, and... I hate to admit it, but he's handsome and brave.

We're at a draw. He knows my weakness, but I've yet to learn his. But I do know that he finds favor in me.—He called me his queen.

"My Aqua Queen."

I'm enjoying my wine by the water's edge when the object of my thoughts appears. Dressed in revealing swimwear with a mesh covering, I attempt to cover up. "Why do you hide?" He asks.

I don't know why. "It seemed the proper thing to do." I'm pulled to my feet, and his actions are unsettling. Namor is being too familiar with me. I move from his arms, putting some distance between us.

"I came to teach you how to swim."

"If you do that, then you would lose the advantage that you have over me."

"That's not the only advantage that I have over you. And it's not much of an advantage when you can manipulate the water to do your bidding."

"But it would make me stronger."

"That's the point. My queen cannot be weak."

Reluctant at first, I accept his offered hand. Letting him lead me into the water, I hold fast to him.

"You're safe with me." He says, pulling me into him.

"Why are doing this?"

"I live with my people. I cannot always be with you, and I need to know that you're safe. That you're capable of protecting yourself."

"You don't know me."

"I know enough."

I'm not naive. I know why he's interested in me. And he's piqued my interest also.

"You don't have a wife, a lover from your world?"

"I wouldn't be here with you if I did. I've waited many lifetimes for you."

I'm supposed to kill this man, I'd promised. I owe it to my ma-ma. And yet I feel my resolve softening to his charm.

"Now, If you hold your breath and tilt your head backward, you'll stay afloat."

I'm not ready to release him, but I do as instructed. If he wants to give me more ammunition to take him down, then so be it.

"See?" He says with an engaging smile as he pulls me back into the safety of his embrace.

"Now, if you slowly kick your legs and move your arms simultaneously, you can breathe while staying above the water."

He gently releases me back into the arms of the water, and I try to remember what he said when I panic. I go under, and I'm immediately pulled back to the security of his caress.

"Easy... easy." He instructs me as I cling to him.

"Let's do it again."

"We will, every day, until we get it right."

Namor's words cause a fluttering in my stomach. His brown-eyed gaze is alluring, and I become aware of his strong solid body pressed into mine.

"Oshun!" It's Amadi calling for me.

"Finally, a name to call my queen. Oshun is a beautiful name."

I don't even know how to respond. I don't understand what's happening. I'm not shy, timid, or insecure. But this man has brought out all of these deplorable traits in me.

"And she doesn't know how to take a compliment." He states with a teasing smirk.

Namor takes me back to land and applies a kiss to my hand. Which I'm hesitant to remove from his.

"Namor, this is..."

"I'll see you soon." He interjects derisively, and then he's gone back into the water.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what happened." I explain to Amadi.

"He's intimidated by me."

"Why would he be intimidated by you?"

"You're playing a dangerous game, Oshun."

"A game that I plan on winning, Amadi." We never argue, and I instantly regret my tone.

His eyes stray to my clothing, or lack thereof. "You need to put some clothes on. Where's your sense of propriety?"

The males seem to be sensitive of late. If they don't take control of their emotions, I will have to start handing out sanitary napkins.

Aqua QueenWhere stories live. Discover now