Part 8

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"Stop poking at it. It will heal." Namor advises. I stop fondling the tattoo and accept the goblet of wine from him.

"So what does this mean?" I ask, wiggling the tattooed finger at it.

"It means that you are mine, and I am yours." He says, settling in on the bed next to me.

"To do with as I please?" I ask, going to my knees and giving him a one-hand back massage.

"Hmf." He answers.

"Namor, stop!" I shriek with delight, trying to keep the wine from spilling as I'm pulled down onto my back. "For me to do with you as I please." He replies.

Looming above me, I reach out and touch his hair. I've been wanting to do that for a while. I love the way his glossy, soft locks feel.

The back of my hand travels down, gently caressing his face. The way that he's watching me makes me uncomfortable in a good way.

He moves closer, and the intensity of his stare causes a shiver of delight to run rampant through my body. My lips are raised to meet his, and his kiss is gentle and sweet.

I wasn't expecting him to be tender in his affections towards me. I revel in his touch as his hard calloused hands softly roam my body—Confident and seductive.

The heat from his body pressed into mine heightens my sexual urge. I want this man in the worst way. His kiss deepens and our actions becomes frenzied.

My gown is swiftly pulled upwards above my head and discarded. Suckling on my nipples, his fingers explore the heart of my femininity. Namor's fingers slowly tease my nub, circling my bud. The slick moisture from my sex drenches his fingers.

"Namor..." I whisper in euphoric delirium.

His hard bulge pressed into my thigh, I can't wait any longer. I let my sexual hysteria run rampant, and disrobe him in a few rapid movements.

"Oh... Oh my god...." I state breathlessly.

His length invades my center, rigid and heavy, and my legs open wider to allow him full access.

"Mmm..." He murmurs into my neck.

With my legs around his waist, I match his strokes. I'm in heavenly ecstasy as I submit to his lovemaking.

His lips erotically kiss my neck, as his staff has my legs shaking with desire. Namor's hands on my hips guide his strokes as he power drills my pussy.

I'm not able to handle the emotions and sensations that he's inducing from his sexual prowess.

"Namor...!" I warn as a coil begins to tighten within my center. My body tenses and I release an inflamed breath as my orgasm peaks and then erupts.

Sparks of sexual energy explode and eject out of my body. "Mmm..." I whimper on my orgasm. Namor's strokes increase speed until his searing hot seed erupts inside my flower.

Spent from his nut, he collapse beside me. Basking in the aftermath of our sex act, Namor pulls me to him.

"I love you," I state quietly.

"I love you more." He says before his lips gently meet mine.

I'm no longer conflicted. I am no longer at war with my emotions. For him, I will turn my back on my people. For Namor, I will kill to protect him.

Weeks later, war has been declared. The surface world struck the first blow by setting off bombs near the Talokans Kingdom. Namor attacked the surface world, and Wakanda aligned itself against him.

He attacks the palace, and my duty was to capture the princess. A duty that I thought would have been easy. She's just a princess, right?

Shuri has all kinds of gadgets and tricks up her sleeves. I'm blasted out of the air but quickly recover.

She has some kind of sonic blast wave that temporarily disrupts my flight. I can't fly, but I can hover. Namor has taught me how to fully utilize my gifts.

Tired of this game, I immobilize her by stopping the craft that she's in. She's motionless in the air watching me.

I send it plummeting to the ground. A crash, loud and cringe-worthy, breaks the silence. My goal wasn't to kill her. I just wanted to rattle her confidence.

Going to the downed craft, I expected her to stagger from the ruins. When she doesn't make an appearance, I tear open the door.

She's unconscious... a computerized voice comes through on the speaker. "The princess is no longer with us."

"What do you mean?" I ask, panicked.

"Princess Shuri has transitioned to the afterlife."

"What have you done?" The general of the Dora Milaje demands. Going to the lifeless body of the princess, she tries to shake her back to life.

I can only stare on in horror as the general's sorrow turns to murderous outrage.

The princess is quickly forgotten as she comes to her feet with her spear drawn.

"I didn't mean to hurt her," I explain with my hands raised in submission.

"But, I mean to hurt you." She replies.

The giant warrior that they call Attuma interrupts us with his foreign language. The general instantly turns her attention to him, as I'm no longer the primary threat.

I'm respectfully forced behind and away from him. He motions for me to leave with a wave of his hand.

"Don't kill her," I say quietly, knowing damn well that he doesn't understand me.

"Don't worry, queen of the water. I'll come for you as soon as I dispatch him."

The general's words don't intimidate me. My heart is heavy with my actions and the way that I've handled every situation presented to me. —Amadi and now the princess

Is this my punishment from the divine? I wasn't supposed to be born, and yet I'm here, making a mess of things.

Attuma sends a gruff command my way, and I depart with him, hurling the general's body into the back of the ship.

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